posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 08:13 AM
Vote None of the Above
In light of the recent economic crash and the pathetic choices on the up coming ballot paper I think everyone in the US needs to make a stand.
I am totally opposed to any violent retaliation like riots, but there are other ways to make your point.
Why not write on the ballot paper
None of the above.
Imagine what would happen if 60% of voters did this. They would have to call for another election and hopefully with new candidates.
That is where we could ALL convince
Ron Paul and
Mary Kaptur to run together as independents. I am convinced these two would usher in
a new Golden Age for the American Nation. Their well guided leadership would be inspirational the world over. Why do I think this? Because I am not
even American yet I find them inspirational and would lend them my support in a heart beat!
Paul and Kaptur have come out of obscurity in the darkest hour which shows just how important these people are. They are the only shinning lights
right now – don’t let them fade away.
For the record I would never have voted for a Republican in a fit, but I realize that the issues of today are beyond party politics. What America
needs now is the BEST person for the job, no matter what political party they stem from.
This is your chance to change history. You will never have this opportunity again. Act now or forever hold your tongue. Revolution is upon you, but
not at the end of a gun, but at the end of a pen -
Vote None of the Above this November!