posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 07:25 PM
yes, this is one of those kinds of posts/threads. Hey, watch these videos with your family. Dont worry, the nudity is presented in a
purely artistic manner. I dont care if you have anything to post about them, im not trying to start a popularity thread over here, just
disperse a good documentary. If you watched it and enjoyed it and found it valuable that others see it, could you maybe just acknowledge that you
watched it, as well as reasons why others should too, so as to bump the thread and spread the gnosis.
And if my posting this thread for this reason is out of line with the T&C, my deepest apologies, and please just remove it. Dont want to disrupt the
perfect symbiotic harmony we have here at A T S.
My reasoning for hoping people watch this, is purely out of personal experience that validates the claims here, and I am sure many of you have had the
same sorts of reality bending experiences that made you realize the nature of this reality is not that of a physical one, as well as the source of it,
being something you can be gifted to comprehend(periodical glimpses), just not bring back to words or the 3-d perception of. Anyways, I think Ive
made this more than a one liner, which it was supposed to be, me trying to spam this video, but I dont think its spam if it tastes like steak when you
eat it... who knows, maybe someone will come along and debunk the whole thing, lol yea right. That is impossible, at least to the person whop is
delusional enough to believe our experiences in other dimensions and other planets where beings told you things that ended up being true in reality
and helped you to better your life and help your family understand their problems in a way that the psychologist and church could not mend. By the
way, this documentary, one ups esoteric agenda by including the ET aspect and explaining it much better. About ET cosmology, sure, its inconstant,
want to know why? Because names and places are different in different languages, and even more so in dimensions. Yea yea yea, failsafe conspiracy or
insanity, one or the other, right, it has to be contained by duality or its not true right, RIGHT?! lmao Maybe we would understand better if our
focus was on the Dao De Ching, rather than the DOW, cha ching! But seriously folks, I love you.