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Originally posted by thrundar
Secondly I used to be a private pilot and know a little about weight and flight. I also drove the big semi trailer rigs (80,000 pounds gross)
48,000 pounds of film? That is 24 tons. How did all of that extra weight come into play for the launch, and even more important, how did that extra weight play into recovery, return, of the capsule with the astronauts and 24 tons of film?
Developing film in space? How? Where did they have room? How is the weight and storage figured into all of this? What about the added weight of the processing equipment?
Originally posted by thrundar
Secondly I used to be a private pilot and know a little about weight and flight. I also drove the big semi trailer rigs (80,000 pounds gross)
48,000 pounds of film? That is 24 tons. How did all of that extra weight come into play for the launch, and even more important, how did that extra weight play into recovery, return, of the capsule with the astronauts and 24 tons of film?
Developing film in space? How? Where did they have room? How is the weight and storage figured into all of this? What about the added weight of the processing equipment?
Originally posted by welivefortheson
i believe the pirate flag may actually be a reference to skull and bones,that secret masonic society whos members include many of those who are responsible for the grand cover up,the cabalic elites so to speak.
could this a be a signal to them?,in the manner of "were bringing it out".
i am also interested in seeing whats in the images,they were classified for some reason.....
also mcdonalds......mcdonald douglas?????,any meaning there?,is this symbolic code?
And yes, the conspiracy continues, with McDonalds' long and sordid history with the Apollo program...
yes i see zorgon saw this too,mcdonald douglas,part of the skunk works and boeing those who built most of the lunar equipment.
[edit on 26-9-2008 by welivefortheson]
Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Well I can verify part of the chicken coupe story it wasnt a chicken coupe it was a garage in L.A. owned by my family. I helped Steve load those monster machines aprox 4 hours . I took him and his sidekick to pick up the rental trucks.
For all my troubles the only thing I asked of him was be careful when they exit the property. I had to go to work and trusted him to be a man of his word.
He cashed the wall and took off and like a child, after weeks of his denial at first then admission and promise to pay, he just blew it off.
So no chicken coupe,one broken wall,and no regard for anyone
I have pictures (not touched up)
Its an intresting story just not a intresting man
Mike F
NASA Unveils 42-Year-old Historic Lunar Image
Date Released: Monday, November 10, 2008
Source: Ames Research Center - Comments Comments
MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. - NASA will hold a media briefing at 3 p.m. PST on Thursday, Nov. 13, 2008, to unveil a newly restored historic image from the early days of lunar exploration and discuss the innovative processing technique used to retrieve the image.
The briefing will take place in the Ames Research Center auditorium, Bldg. N-201. NASA officials will be available to discuss the recovery process and the scientific value of the iconic images to the next generation of explorers as NASA plans to return to the moon. A tour of the restoration facility will be offered following the briefing.
Briefing participants are:
- S. Pete Worden, Ames Research Center Director
- Greg Schmidt, Deputy Director, NASA Lunar Science Institute, NASA Ames
- Dennis Wingo, Image Recovery Project Lead, Huntsville, Ala.
- Charles J. Byrne, Lunar Image Expert, Middletown, N.J.
For news media representatives unable to attend, a roundtable discussion will be held following the briefing. Reporters wanting to participate must call Mike Mewhinney at 650-604-3937 by Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008.
Driving Directions: To reach NASA Ames, take the Moffett Field/NASA Parkway exit off U.S. 101 and drive east on Moffett Boulevard towards the main gate. At the main gate, pull into the small parking lot on your right and enter the Visitor Badge Office to obtain a visitor pass. The auditorium is located directly behind the administration building as you enter the center.
For more information about NASA Ames Research Center, visit:
In 1991, when the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) decided to go ahead with developing a flight demonstration vehicle for a single stage to orbit (SSTO) system, then-Lieutenant Colonel Pete Worden supervised the efforts of Jess Sponable, Bill Gaubatz, and others, which ended up creating the revolutionary DC-X. This program proved, among other things, that one does not need hundreds of millions or billions of dollars to do valuable rocket science. The whole program ended up costing around $80 million. It showed that a reusable rocket with vertical takeoff and landing capability can be developed, and that smart use of existing technology can keep development costs to a minimum.
It also taught Worden something about bureaucratic politics between NASA, Air Force and the rest of the US Government. And, as the saying goes, “he has the scars on his back to prove it”.
In 1994, along with Pedro Rustan, he led the innovative and still controversial Clementine Moon probe. This low-cost project, run out of a town house in Alexandria, Virginia, tested sensors for the missile defense program and also found indications, but not hard proof, that there was water ice in the Moon’s polar regions.
Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Well I can verify part of the chicken coupe story it wasn't a chicken coupe it was a garage in L.A. owned by my family.
James Fincannon:
Excellent work! These images have unequaled resolution (so far). I had thought the tapes degraded, lost or destroyed, or at the very least, unreadable due to lost devices to read them. Didn't some of the readers get stolen?
Originally posted by Phage
I wasn't really expecting much higher quality than that which we have from USGS.
Originally posted by Dr. X I am directly involved in the Lunar Orbiter Data Recovery project,
Sorry to say that there are no conspiracies about moon bases etc. that I am aware of, but I can tell about an interesting encounter that I had with Richard Hoagland around 1996 concerning his claims if you like.
Soon they will be available as a CD or DVD at a modest cost - or directly down-loadable.
In the mean time can I ask a favor of you? I would like to know if there is a link to the original posting that started this thread?
Also is it possible to contact you directly? It is a Dragon related thing.
Originally posted by StargateSG7
Are these scanning artifacts
from the videotape read process itself or they artifacts from the
cameras on the lunar orbiters which only took small vertical swaths
of imagery to be stitched together using an optical process?