posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 08:26 AM
Hey Blue... Who so you think is responsible for oversight of the financial affairs of the country? The Prez. The buck stops with him. He appaoints
the people heading-up agencies like HUD, FEMA, Treasury, etc. So yea, it IS his fault and the rest of the clowns he hired.
The economy has been eroding for several years. The impact of spending ~$12B a month on the wars and the requisite borrowing has been significant.
Who was monitoring all this? Lots of experts have been screaming warnings about this for years (not the least of which was Ron Paul). So Bush and
his appointees either:
1. Were asleep at the wheel the entire time
2. Didn't give a rat's ass
3. Were utterly clueless about what was going on and all the expert warnings
4. Wanted it to happen
Many, many credentialed people have been warning of the looming crisis. Yet Bush et al act as if this problem suddenly jumped out from behind a tree.
As late as mid-July he was saying the economy was 'basically sound'. In January the economy was 'on solid footing'. His 'judgement' decides
who he appoints to oversee the economy. He's responsible. The buck stops with him.
So yes, blue, I blame Bush. And rightfully so.