posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:02 PM
I am not liberal, so no offense taken.
Thanks to all for their info. You have a valid point of view I had not previously considered. I feel as a society we have begun to go backward.
Every generation seems to be less educated than the ones before. Regardless of an individual’s education level, the quality is what counts. Whether
it is a PHD, Master's, college degree, etc. I do not feel the quality of education is what it used to be. My little sister, who is 14 years younger
than me, is about to graduate high school. She does not know simple multiplication, and can not write an essay with correct spelling and grammar.
How long will it be before our education system has crippled society to the point of no return? It is said the children of today are the leaders of
tomorrow. If this is true than our future looks pretty grim.
[edit on 25-9-2008 by Stampthe95]