posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:28 PM
OK, I have not been to these forums for a few years, so forgive if this has been covered before, but I felt the need to talk about it and get opinions
and feelings from others on this subject.
Since the death of a relative in 2005 I have had about one or two dozen dream about this relative, most have been pleasant enough, but I notice the
amount of time she visits me in my dream is usually very short, and I am wondering since others obviously have these types of dreams does this seem
normal or is it just me, perhaps they can only stay for a short time.
Oddly enough I also have dreams of my dog who also died in 2005, he stops by in the dream and I pet him and talk to him then he wanders off or my
dream changes.
Anyhow, I guess there is really no point to my rant here, other than I wish there was more "time" in the dream.
Thoughts? Opinions?
To get into detail of these dreams would take some time, so I will avoid it for now.