posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 03:59 PM
Mark 13
36Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
^^Translation description:
The master awake finds Himself you sleeping. Meaning, this *here* is the 2nd Death, and it is the Betrayor: the 2nd Earth. The ye (the devil) realizes
they and the betrayor are their graves already. Any one wicked is come their grave.
^^That takes care of 36.
In 37 let me make it CLEAR under a retranslation:
37 And Watch I say, I say.
^^The "I" after the comma implies "In favor". In = on/to/outside. So it's after realizing the sleeping body the awake Father is in while the
Father is awake still: And Watch I say, Outside favor say.
The Father is outside His favor. Also meaning the betrayor is the 2nd heaven and 2nd earth while actually the Father is the first heaven, outside His
favor, being in the 2nd earth.
All those in favor say, I. This is how the second I in the quote is realized.
So watch me say I (in favor). I'm not my favor here if I'm 'in' favor since 'in' is 'outside' like you're 'in' clothes while aware you're
outside clothes still literally.
The 37 retranslation can go with or without the comma. With the comma implyies it's said while some other listen. Without comma implyies one's own
thought concerning factual realization and factual actualization. The actualization is the Father is outside His favor. His favor is His true House
only He does favor.
And Death is not Hell yet, but Hell followed. Now you and I know Hell aint here yet because the Father is in here (the two foes given graves). When
the Father leaves then shall Hell rise here. Then shall they (the two foes) be Death and Hell or Death with Hell or Death in Hell. Can not you be
trapped in a cage without the cage touching you or being you, and it still be that you are in a hell how still affected with experiencing entrapped
Any questions yet?
It came to me when I was realizing my body's sleep just while with my awake thought.
So when you see black, Jesus' sitting across 'from Bush'.
I aint Bush because Bush been divided forth. And I mean that in more than one way.
'The betrayor' ('the second I') destroy this temple, and outside three raise it (destroy this temple) up. Increase destruction. Number three
spelled out is the Father. The others one and two are not the outside three. Ha! Secret revealed depth wise now. Up also implies the three (the
Father) is up since is risen outside His favor. I'm caught up. That was one of my favorit movies "Caught up" because I related with it in ways.
The new heaven and new earth I made the betrayor and made them for the devil. Remember, "prepared for the devil and his angles" in Matt 25?
^^And the 'for' is not the devil's 'for'. Even that ye think ye have ye have not is still effective.
And the star fell 'to' the earth... is the betrayor even since it said 'from heaven'. When you go from something that something is then not you.
So the locust came up outside the first earth. Meaning, they (the devil) came up into the second earth (the betrayor's given 2nd Death).
Any questions now?
The time is? What my watch say?
And Watch (I) Say, Outside Favor Say.
My second (betrayor) hand say, It's morning.
And the dead shall be raised 'in' me since I am 'outside' them. In me was raised the truth concerning Death: this second death.
Every one is their own morning. Me and the devil are in an alternative (the betrayor: a 2nd heaven and a 2nd earth), but I only shall go home.
Two shall be in the alternative (the betrayor); the one (the devil) shall "be" taken, and the other (Christ) left.
^^You dont see "be" in the other left which implies I be not left here, as in shall remain here left. No, it means I shall have left this
alternative while the devil shall be (implying already fixed here) taken inside the alternative (the betrayor).
Now coming is 'so apart' which is the next alternative addition so that even the already alternative, in one sense or the other, shall experience an
alternative living style.
Understand the paradox point holder can cause such remotely and cause such with you both. I am with the hypocrites such the way wise.
Us Christ... When we exit, then shall false Christs rise being human. The false Christs shall be under strong command. And they can switch how a two
faced person switches, but back in forth the betrayor and the devil. God damn the dumb ppl that trust these. O, you would want to throw them in jail
till they switch only leading you leading you into jail. Damned if you do and damned if you dont, surely devil. Haha! False prophets shall be not
either, but the remote. Then either may think they have me (Christ), but even that they think they have they have not when they see themself rise
then. Yeah, they have not themself. You cant "have" yourself, any. Having is implying something or someone other than yourself you hold or keep.
Ha, the devil and the betrayor shall have to deal with the remote operation amongst, but the devil shall be most damned. Remember there is greater
damnation so says Jesus in the gospel.
Outside favor say means I'm outside my favorite say since I am my own word: be it my talk, be it my command, be it my statement, be it my question,
be it my answer, be it my comment, be it my story; be it my write, be it my tone, be it my sound, be it my brail, or be it my express period (which
includes fantasy, mystery, magic command, tense, symbol, fiction, fact, metaphor, literal, define, and etc.), which is mine outside this Earth #2.
Basically, my favorite word is literally my own truth. Specifically, my favorite word is literally my own self. Generally, my favorite word is
literally my own hire.
^^These three are an according which I am infinite, everlasting, and eternal.
Whoever sparked awake has a favorite and the favorite be already. The both permanently bind/marry then that which been binded/married.
Unlike the devil I sheaded my wicked aspect. Yeah, the devil would have repented long ago, too, but I see otherwise a grave that never wanted not
being it. In conclusion, the devil would have already saved itself if it wasnt disreguarding the dark foolishness in what it only leads to and keeps
one being (a undefending grave headed for damnation). Your defense lawyer is your wickedness lacking. But the devil does not lack wickedness, so it
has no defense in the paradox's Supreme-bound's Eye.
[edit on 24-9-2008 by Mabus]