posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by iggster
Agree, Agree, Agree -- but I think the math is off! If the true debt for this bail out is $7 Trillion (which it will be) then each Taxpayer would
receive about $40,000. Which is enough! The $7 Trillion is based on the S&L Bailout -- they approved $500 Billion which turned into $3 Trillion. This
is worst -- thus, bigger price tag.
The fix can be in . . . with each person receive $40,000. With stipulations, i.e. Must have filed a 2007 tax return. Must be at least 18 years of
age. Distribution is less applicable tax. There is only one (1) distribution per household. Those 18 years old only qualify only if they are living
away from home and it is reflective on their 2007 tax filing. Those 18-21 years old, are required to secure distribution in a bank savings account
until age twenty-five (25). Acceptable withdrawals for that group are limited to direct payment to certified educational institutions. At age
twenty-five (25), those individuals may receive the remainder of the Distribution. Every person receiving the Distribution must purchase health care
for each individual within the household as represented on their 2007 tax return.
This fixes every facet of the economy!
Keep getting the word out and maybe we won't have to live in our cars!