posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:35 AM
There are a lot of people on ATS still shouting about how we need this bailout, because of this, that, or the other. Well I don't give a crap if
someone with 5 kids loses their home. They should not have bought a home they cannot afford. I am a single mom with three kids and I live in an
apartment. I didn't take one of those fancy no documentation of my income loans. I live within my means. You lose your house; too bad. I have to
make ends meet on what I make and I don't want the government taking anymore of what I make to bail out people who are stupid. I don't mind paying
taxes for things that make this country better, like education and healthcare, but I do mind a great deal when my tax dollars are going to help greedy
people, in the banking industry, government, and just stupid people who bought homes they couldn't afford.
Yes, yes, yes, I understand all the scare tactics about how if they fail then I will be paying a gazillion dollars for milk, blah, blah, blah. I have
a great family and friends, and nieghbors, we will help eachother and fair just fine if sh*t hits the fan.