...for a penny these days?
If I could get a penny's worth of everything just maybe I'd be cool and secure.
On the real though, the price of everything needs to be lowered down into 99 cent worth of pennies unto one cent worthy a penny. Wages should be
inside that range of a pennies only era. All types of homes should be in that range of pennies. Then, we'd all be better off. We could get rid of
dollar money all together, and burn it. The pennies worth would rise and the value of things would also rise inside the penniship money reign. Then
also, no one can short change you, because everything would have to be paid in exact change. Not to say you'd have a lot of pennies from the left
over, because the penny we'd use would change in design. And so, you of course know you wouldnt get paid much in pennies, which means you dont have
to carry all that change. You'd prolly work for one penny, say, every four hours worth of wage work. That one penny should be able to buy you, say, a
whole meal with beverage for one. So all in all, we'd be buying most common things in bulks or in packages/boxes of whatever mixed or the same. You
couldn't buy just a soda/pop can alone anymore. And this means whatever you dont need from a sold together package you can just give to someone else
in an act of kindness unless you owe em back after they broke you off something from what they bought. So also it would be a world of sharing even,
where there is no must that someone owe you back, depending of course. When we were young we were taught that we were supposed to share.
The penny days would be sweet instead of these in dollar amounts of money which only act to make it look like you got a lot. True major value comes
packed in less. Less is more like that Charmen Toilet Paper commercial. Big things come in small packages, remember?
In a pennies only world I should be able to get me an average computer for the same amount in pennies as a modern average house or modern average jet
boat or modern adverage car should cost. See how also value would raise in my point when it would maybe, say, have average computers on the same level
as average vechiles? All these bundles of paper money is like a big blown up ego just to show off self-worth.
What do you think?
At least with pennies they could be all backed by pressious metals as we compact worth into those lil things and in turn raise the value to certain
things we'd buy with it. It only makes since.
Another example:
That arcade video game would cost you only a penny for, say, six sure attempts just in case you lose five, knowing you could have bought, say, a meal
with beverage with that one penny. So yes, the price to play a video game arcade machine would raise in value. And you even get bulk it in your
attempts at playing, too, which should account for something with the costomer, to make them maybe feel it is worth the one penny just as much as the
wanted meal with beverage is when hungry.
Why come it couldnt have been like such already instead of having to have all the extra counting and sorting in monies, and having to have all that
excess extra money (that could blow in the wind) to transport or put in some bank account? A bank vault wouldnt have to be that big under the whole
'big value put in' pennies era.