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I've seen 2 UFO's in the past 5 days

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posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:17 PM
The first happened thursday the 18th and was a spherical shape with lights all around some fashing, it was located over the ocean just south of Cape Canevaral(where the US launches rockets and space shuttles), i saw it around 830pm.

I saw another tonight just after sunset, a little after 630pm. It was a rod shape and seemed very distant and moving. I was just north of Patrick Air Force Base and looking west for Mercury. The object was just above the horizon, lower than Mercury, and directly under the crescent moon and Venus.

I would have got here ASAP and reported it on here in hopes that someone could confirm what I was seeing but both times I was busy and could get on the computer.

Pretty interesting for me, I have never really seen anything that could be something special until thursday, and now to see another one

[Edited on 22-3-2004 by jrod]

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:23 PM
If you see a ufo again, please take a photo or video of it

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:27 PM
I wish I would have, the one I just saw was so far and small that it would have needed a big lens to have a chance of capturing it.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by jrod
I saw another tonight just after sunset, a little after 630pm. It was a rod shape and seemed very distant and moving. I was just north of Patrick Air Force Base and looking west for Mercury. The object was just above the horizon, lower than Mercury, and directly under the crescent moon and Venus.

that might not have been something special either. planes like american airlines or anything else that are just the metal would reflect really well... especially if it were right over the horizon. it could ahve been the sun reflecting off a plane is all i'm saying.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:39 PM
It was the wrong shape to be a plane and the color was not consistant with the reflection of a plane. It could of been someting normal, but it caught my eye and I promise it wasnt something you normally see.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by jrod
It was the wrong shape to be a plane and the color was not consistant with the reflection of a plane. It could of been someting normal, but it caught my eye and I promise it wasnt something you normally see.

which way was it moving? north, south? at all even? and if it was a high altitude plane, it most likely wouldn't look like a plane since the light would have been diffused by the atmosphere.

or, if it were stationary it could have been light reflecting through ice crystals in the upper atmosphere.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:04 PM
At first glance i thought it might be a distant fractus cloud, it had the orangish color that clouds do in west, but it a definate solid shape and too perfect to be a leftover piece of cloud. It also appeared to be moving, my best guess is NW. I said rod shaped, but it could have been a saucer shape seen from the side view. Altitude is tough to judge because there were no clouds near it and I have no idea how far away it was. 40,000 feet is my guestimate, if it were closer of course being lower, and vice versa. Again it looked nothing like a jet and left no contrails in its wake. If it were a high altude plane it would o had to be extremly large because the size was easily as big as a commutter jet flying directly overhead appears. Im gonna look at the local weather loop and see if i can catch anything out of the ordinarly.

Also it could not have been a balloon because it was going against the wind. Right now we are experiencing winds from the NNW, the direction the object appeared to be going.

Edit: I checked the radar and could NOT
copy and paste, but the 1st frame, which correspondes to about the time I saw that thing has an anomaly, a line from the radar site all the way to the end of range of the radar in the same general area I saw this thing. I could be just a glitch but eye catching that it occured at the same time I saw this thing.

edited to add more content
[Edited on 22-3-2004 by jrod]

[Edited on 22-3-2004 by jrod]

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 10:31 PM
i edited and no one responed so im gonna push this thread to the top

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by jrod
At first glance i thought it might be a distant fractus cloud

in all of my flying and training i've never heard of fractus clouds. please, do explain.

I said rod shaped, but it could have been a saucer shape seen from the side view. Again it looked nothing like a jet and left no contrails in its wake.

a plane from the side can appear to be oblong from a distance. and just because a plane may be a jet, doesn't mean it has to leave contrails.

Also it could not have been a balloon because it was going against the wind. Right now we are experiencing winds from the NNW, the direction the object appeared to be going.

the winds on the surface may be from the NNW, but where are the winds aloft? there's weather up there too. usually, what's on the surface is different even 1000 feet up.

Edit: I checked the radar and could NOT
copy and paste, but the 1st frame, which correspondes to about the time I saw that thing has an anomaly, a line from the radar site all the way to the end of range of the radar in the same general area I saw this thing. I could be just a glitch but eye catching that it occured at the same time I saw this thing.

perhaps it was chaff reflecting the light? it appears on radar as a sort of miniature wall of bright red, yellow, and blue. you live in florida, and there is a lot of military activity down there.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 11:24 PM
Recently I was looking out my window it was about 1:00am
And I seen triangle craft hovering in the sky about 15sec each tip of the
Craft had a very bright light I went to get a camera to take some photos
But when I got back it was already gone this is the second time ive seen this type of
Ufo craft when I was younger I seen this craft with my uncle when he used to live in Utah Tooele army depot I asked him what it was he said it was a satellite falling from space it seemed like he didn�t want to talk about I am positive it was a ufo because satellite�s don�t strafe left-right extremely quickly in long distance�s to my knowledge

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 11:28 PM
I know this is off topic but I was just wondering dose anyone know the difference from Saucer craft and this triangle craft�

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 12:32 AM
I just saw another one about 1:23 EST 29-3-'04. This one looked like a shooting star at first but instead of vanishing it kept glowing, slowly dimming then a set of lights came on and it kept flying at a very rapid pace. It was heading approx SE. I could not make out the shape.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 08:11 PM
I am from New York City and every night i see lots of different lights and flying things, but it has been my experience that almost ALL of them can be explained as some sort of airplane or helicopter or some other very terrestrial craft. I am not by any means trying to discredit what you are seeing in the skies of florida, simply saying that perhaps you should take a more synical view of these things before rushing to the theory that they are alien space ships. I for one believe in extraterrestrials, i just feel as though sometimes people get a little "trigger happy" when it comes to claiming theyve seen them.

Fruor veritas est fruor opulentia

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 08:20 PM
The 1st 2 I saw were way more normal than what I saw last night. It was actually moving more easterrly than i thought, i went out and re-ran what I saw and came to that conclusion. Also with this one I saw a blip on the weather radar that could have been it moving at unmhuman speeds.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier
If you see a ufo again, please take a photo or video of it

Don't leave your house without a camera again. Learn from your mistakes!
Fourth time's a charm!

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:24 AM
I thought that it was 3rd times a charm

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 07:31 PM
I remember during the honeymoon, we were at EPCOT, and before the final pyrotechnics show, we saw a strange object in the sky.

First off, I'm a military brat, so I've seen planes all my life, and this looked like no plane. Everyone around us (hundreds of people, maybe thousands, also marvelled at it).

However strange it looked though, eventually, we all saw that it was a plane... It's weird how light, angle, and everything else can play with your eyesight. I even had binocs (for watching the show), and even through them at first, I couldn't tell, but eventually I could....

Now, I've had one REAL UFO sighting in my life...and I mean REAL. There is NO question of what I saw then, but this one really made me wonder how many other times people have mistaken a regular plane for something else....

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 07:56 PM
Living near the space center and an air force base, ive seen plenty of planes, some that were kinda strange. getting someone else to see a legitiment UFO is tough to do.

I heard earlier this week there were UFO reports in the tampa area, the cause was a strip club opening with spot lights shinning in the air and what they saw was the spot lights hitting some clouds.

I agree almost all UFO reports are mistaken man made objects. Almost all...........

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 12:13 AM
i hear ya J-Rod

i lived in Flordia most my life, i've only sighted 3 defenite UFO's in my life and 2 of them were within a week of eachother (and also witnessed by an abductee i know)

Florida defintley is paranormal


posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Aircraft do this all of the time. The approach or retrea from observers at odd angles. They reflect light from over the horizon that you the ground based observer doesnt see. They fly at high altitudes. Im not talking 25K or something. Some commercial fly at 35 - 40K. And newer business aircraft fly in the mid 40s with ceilings in the low 50's.

An aircraft at an angle to you (remember the angle is in two dimensions because of the curvature of the earth) flying just after sundown for you would look like a dot or a rod or anything. Same reason why you cant track a satellite visually across the sky. Once it drops behind the curvature of the earth and the light source is blocked it blinks out. Maybe you were looking at the ISS?

And I am sorry, but your radar interpretation skills are suspect as well.

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