I looked at the Urban Survival but I have not seen any actual web-bot predictions out there. Does anybody
have a more authoritative resource of web-bot predictions. Esp about the US Election.
In the interview that the creators of the web bots gave on Coast to Coast the other night, they said that it would not be decided until a couple of
months after the election (shades of the 2000 election) and in the end, it is not going to matter who wins due to the fact that both candidates
basically have the same corporate masters, The Powers That Be.
Make no mistake.. predictions are being made by computers. I am just exploring the input bias, or parameters that must be factors. Results "after
the fact" is not a prediction. I sort of off on a different tangent, but I am stiill interested in US Election predictions that are computer
generated... Specifically I'd like to know their methodologies. In order for the web-bot people to have *any* credibility, they have to release
their prediction ahead of time to be believable. know what I mean?
OK, I'm guessing that you're refering to my post on the other web bot thread concerning the Columbia disaster. On that one they didn't realize
what the language meant until after the fact, but the web bot did spit it out before the fact. Check out the interview through the following link: