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Another school shooting in Finland happening right now

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posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:12 AM
Very sad news. I really don't have much to say for I am speechless and sorta paranoid when I go out to seattle for college. I know these things can happen anywhere at anytime.

I give my respect towards the lives lost.

man, I haven't felt this way since 9/11.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:17 AM

Updated: there is now 11 dead!

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:43 AM
aye it is confirmed 11 people hos gotten killed sofar by this fellow

Mtv3 news with video clipp

not much to translate on the news clipp other then that the death toll has risen

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Some sort of collection of the shooter and from the school

and some clips showing the shooter using his gun...sick

[edit on 23-9-2008 by finallianstallion]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:07 AM

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:41 AM
translation of original story at iltalehti

translation : 23.9.2008 18:54 local time

Student started shooting at school in kauhajoki

11 died

Today at kauhajoki 10 people got killed by Matti Juhani Saari who died later of his self aflicted woulds at tampere university hospital

Minister of interior Anne Holmlund told YLE in an interview that 11 people died in the out come of the shootings

three are wounded and one is seriously wounded

Kauhajoki vocational education center student Matti Juhani Saari age 22 started the school shootings at 11am.
Acording to YLE Saari started the shootings during an exam.
there was around 200 pupils attending school at that moment

Jukka Forsberg an education center supervisor told YLE News that the shooter went inside the school with a big bag and commando mask/hat on and that after he entred the shootings began.

-We have a serious situvation on our hands.
A big caliber weapon is being used and repetedly fire chief Ahti Yli-Mannila from the rescue department of South Ostrobothnia told iltalehti briefly after the shootings began

the shooter had been interogated yesterday

acording to Minister of interior Anne Holmlund the police had already confronted the suspect yesterday because he had published a fireing video on the internet.
acording to the police there was no reason to suspect faul play at that point.

acording to Holmlund the shooter had a limited premit to the gun that was aproved last month , the gun was his first.

the school did not know that the police had confronted the shooter before the massacre began.

kauhajoen educational center is closed tomorrow

[edit on 23-9-2008 by zerbot565]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:44 AM
translation of original story at iltalehti

translation : 23.9.2008 18:54 local time

Student started shooting at school in kauhajoki

11 died

Today at kauhajoki 10 people got killed by Matti Juhani Saari who died later of his self aflicted woulds at tampere university hospital

Minister of interior Anne Holmlund told YLE in an interview that 11 people died in the out come of the shootings

three are wounded and one is seriously wounded

Kauhajoki vocational education center student Matti Juhani Saari age 22 started the school shootings at 11am.
Acording to YLE Saari started the shootings during an exam.
there was around 200 pupils attending school at that moment

Jukka Forsberg an education center supervisor told YLE News that the shooter went inside the school with a big bag and commando mask/hat on and that after he entred the shootings began.

-We have a serious situvation on our hands.
A big caliber weapon is being used and repetedly firechief Ahti Yli-Mannila from the rescue department of South Ostrobothnia told iltalehti breifly after the shootings began

the shooter had been interogated yesterday

acording to Minister of interior Anne Holmlund the police had already confronted the suspect yesterday because he had published a fireing video on the internet.
acording to the police there was no reason to suspect faul play at that point.

acording to Holmlund the shooter had a limited premit to the gun that was approved last month , the gun was his first.

the school did not know that the police had confronted the shooter before the massacre began.

kauhajoen educational center is closed tomorrow

sincierly zerbot565

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by finallianstallion
Yeah Im from Finland too. I wonder when they start to make connections to the latest finnish school shooting and maybe to the Virginia Tech shooting.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by finallianstallion]

Just curios and not trying to harass ya, but I was wondering why you would think the two were connected? IMO the NIU and V.T shooting would have more income mainly cause there in the same country. Like I said not trying to harass ya to wondering where the connection would be.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by hande

That is one disturbing site mate!
And what kind of person sits and puts up all that info
so quickly to Wikipedia!
Sad sad day.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by Elmer_Dinkley]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:32 PM
Didn't the previous shooter make videos of himself too??
To prevent future Finnish school shootings look for finnish people's videos of them shooting at something on YouTube..

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by hILB3rT

youngsters starting school shootings based on randomness ?

the trend is visible even thoue some people wish to deny it ,
i mean there are so many questions unanswerd due to the fact that many of the assasilins have killed em self after the massacres theyve done, one can only try to profile them with what s avilable,

what is the common ground these crimals stand on
why the randomness of victims
why kill students if you are againts the goverment
why dont they end their life if the world is to much for em to bear

or is this just total randomness
trying to become more then one can achive throu the "norm"

clearly they or some of them have tried to make a statement throu their action yet noone seams to understand what it is they are trying to accomplish.

is it stricter gun laws ?
girlfriend broke up and cant cope being by them selfs ?
society is screwed ?
school sucks ?

one can only guess but many of these have yet to prepose any logical answer for their action that would not go against their own preach/statement/agenda

for example if its about stricter gun laws then they them selfs are the cause and not society , therefor they are not making a point but rather an act of wishfull thinking of how the world is or should be acording to them.


that society is screwed and hence they must make a statement by declaring them selfs the cause of the wrongness in society ,

but all of this is just random nothingness, nothing that acturly happens in life beside thouse that did the inncidents in question

one can also argue that the fellows in question had serious mental problems that only they knew about , the real causes as to why they behaved as they did , but then they again fail to show whats wrong with em selfs if they dont speak up about whats wrong instead of just randomness that tells us nothing but random

questions question , sadly i belive only they them selfs could have answerd as to why they did what they did yet we sit here and ponder as to why ,

one could also speculate that they made them selfs into a strawman argument thus their own action/statement is nothing but an act of error.

sincierly zerbot565

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 01:44 PM
I am from Finland, one from those 5 million finnish, who makes more crimes than 5 billion others in so many statistical views... And main question remains: WHY?

- What makes USA and little Finland as one, in this horrible way?

This was second school shooting in a year, and I see that there is more to come, because there IS a reason for all of this.

I just looked evening news, they ask oppinnions from PM, ministers, and officials. Journalist ask for measures how to prevent this in future...

- More gun legislations
- Security cams
- Metal detectives...
- Youtube and Internet gets also hard critics...

These measures doesnt go anywhere near the reason for mentally sickness in Finnish people, not only youngs, we have great broblems in all age groups! We lead the suicide statistic in the world!!!

Reasons for school shootings in my point of view: ( Politics or officials havent give any!)

1. Small nation puts too much expectations and pressure to its individuals
2. There is no Team Work education in our school system
3. Finland is a large country with small population and builded for agriculture. After 70's nation is forced to city life, and industrial works, all the basics of family is broken, and people lives long way from their relatives and family because of works
4. Law makers, and officials has taken our freedoms and gives their forced regulations to all levels of life
5. EU has taken our neutrality away as nation
6. Government has driven down almost all treatment from mental patients, and closed most of special hospitals
7. In Police-State like Finland is, where government is in your every day life with so many ways, you feel surrounded all the time. When you act against the law, from your will or just because of need, you get easily caught, and then you are outlawed, and marked as one. In that way there is no return: "Computers doesnt forget"


We have a great reason to be afraid for our future. This nation is builded from basics so wrong, but nobody have courage to say that loud: We do need the change, and we have to relax, and take a deep breath: We cant produce no more, and more, and more... We are only few, but we feed huge amount of politics and byrocrats!

Life doesnt have to be just producing more, working in a factory called Finland. Life has greater values than just technology, stocks and profits...


I am so tired today, I see my home country is just a waste of time. I want to get back to Thailand soon!

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 02:52 PM
Finland has not moved fast enough in bringing its laws into compliance with the rest of the EU. That's why they got hit again. Such random-rage shootings are many times the work of the covert operators in the nation's police/intelligence/military branches. That's where you will find the genesis of this one, too.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by zerbot565
reply to post by hILB3rT

why dont they end their life if the world is to much for em to bear

when a deppresed kid blows out his brain the only people who are sad for him is his parents and the guys who has to clean that # up rest will be like who was that kid? and someone would be like i think he was in our class but he was a total wierdo listenin to strange music.
so of course a person wants to die as a famous person

i have often been thinkin about suicide even though i yet i dont got the balls to do it but i've allways feelt like it would be a cool way to die as the worlds most hated or something like that, cuz then people hate something as much as i've been hating people

sorry, im not sure if any of what i said made any sense

[edit on 23-9-2008 by dahl]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by starviego

I usually do find many great reasons for possible "first hand" conspiracy, like my first react from recent bombing in Islamabad, it clearly was one... But this one?

Yes, this was a clear "second hand" result from that great conspiracy, a very sad one. Conspiracy drives peoples to that mental sickness, when government takes a part of your life as family member, Tube as your only friend, and lonelyness in your life makes living unworthy: Just battle.

No, this shooter was real, but reason for his activity lies behind the curtain maked by mass media: They wont tell it.

True reasons are made, and hided by Zionist Agenda. Those ten dead young people was doomed by it, executed by "first hand" ...

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

I think you hit nail more than few occasions on your post. Points well taken, although with one I am quite saddened; such broad viewed person as yourself shouldn't be running from problems. For people like you there could be useful in here too. What are you doing in thailand anyway, searching for tax relief perhaps?
That last one was a joke, I don't want to know your personal stuff either

I also see the points in your second post, and way I see it, it all just reflects the state of our society. Sad day indeed but we must carry on.


posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by dahl
i have often been thinkin about suicide even though i yet i dont got the balls to do it but i've allways feelt like it would be a cool way to die as the worlds most hated or something like that, cuz then people hate something as much as i've been hating people
[edit on 23-9-2008 by dahl]


Force yourself to look for the good in people. Force yourself to look for the good within yourself. You know that its there. Focus on that good in yourself and others. Every time hate comes to mind, replace it with the good that you can see; that you know is there. Concentrate on the good.

You really don't want people to hate as much as you've been hating. You just don't want to feel the hate any longer. There is nothing brave about taking your own life. It takes "balls" to live and see the good and be the good. You can do it.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by v01i0

Thanks from your thoughts...

I always thought, like I have been raised to think: "You have to die to get to paradise!" But few years ago I learn the other truth: "Fly to Bangkok, and you find yourself from paradise!"

I am so sad again from this western mess called life. I feel the pain of my people in every part of my soul and body, and its awfull to feel the pain all the time. I have to gather my strenght again, to lighten up to my people, and I need to do that soon.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by dahl

Yeah listen to the guy above. Do you really think that people hate you? Well if they do, take a look into mirror. But I am sure you didn't admire the act what that madman behind this this shooting did. You know it is someone sinister's plan to make you hate other people - don't fall it tho. Try warm feelings sometimes.



posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

I wish you get what you need. I can only say that paradise is where we make it.

Do what thou wilt


(had to make up an two liner )

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