posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:50 AM
Okay so in one of "FranSpeakFree"s threads the subject of spacecraft being cloaked popped up and so I decided to share a story of mine there, which
I'll post here too.
I know this is going to sound a bit far fetched but it reminds me of a story I've told friends countless times over the past three years of something
I saw which completely baffled the hell out of me.
My parents have a caravan on Canvey Island [Essex, UK] And one night a bunch of us were up at the beach, sitting on what we call "The Sea Wall"
Drinking and having a smoke (Normal cigs, not weed or anything haha) And we could hear this almost mezmerising buzzing sound.
Now, no-one at all could tell where it was coming from, so we kind of attempted to ignore it but couldn't and then, suddenly from our west point we
heard seagull's, about four, maybe five of them flying overhead; quite high but not too high and headed out to sea.
Three of them banked quite suddenly to the left but the other two kept flying and I kid you not Just slammed straight, into something that wasn't
there... And fell into the mud [tide was out] One was okay it kinda hobbled around a bit for a while but the other 'gull sadly died. We rushed down
to see wtf happened but could only see that the dead one had broken it's neck or something.
I'll tell you, for years that's freaked me the heck out... And I think only two out of every ten people I've told that story to have thought
anything of it, other than me being a nutcase lol..
Has anyone else ever had similar feelings of something being there or, anything like this happening?