posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 01:22 PM
I'm only going to say this once, so pay attention and dismiss it if you like, either way is fine by me
As someone who saw the Martial Law Training first hand in 1999 when I was active Army and was disturbed by the questions and reasons we were told to
train......, This is how they will get around using the US Army on "home soil" , label it as "Terrorism" and use it against the american people if
there is any type of Uprising or unrest or "event" scenario.
For those who dont see what the big picture is or are denying that it could happen here in this once great republic, you should understand that the
people who are in control of this Govt (not talking about Bush here) could care less about you. The economic melt down is ON PURPOSE by the Central
Bankers, this WILL WIPE OUT THE MIDDLE CLASS and then when things get bad enough they will over the "solution" , NAU, whatever.
The Solidiers in Iraq right now have been asked to answer questions as to if they would participate in Martial Law in the U.S. if it comes (this is no
longer an if question , but a when)
All the laws are in place to allow it to happen. Why right them if you are not going to need them.
Use your logic. Or Reject the information as "conspiracy"....
But at the very least think for yourselves and take a good look around