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Viewed in Arlington Virginia 20Sep08

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posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:51 PM
In the evening of 9/20/08 at 8:45 PM, two of us sitting on a balcony overlooking the western sky in north Arlington, VA saw two strange objects transit our view from south to north over a period of about five minutes. The ojects were identifiable by a faint luminescence against the dark sky, and appeared almost translucent orange in color like the setting sun. The objects were like worms in their movement, appearing to morph in shape and traveled in a circular motion.Nothing obstructed the objects from our view, and we were able to view them until they disappeared. They were not identical in their shapes, nor exact in their combined movements; however they did seem to move in synch with one another and in their speed across the sky in a NW direction. They moved very quickly, but not as fast as an airplane, starting out bright, and seemed to disappear as a single point of light as they moved farther away. One of us tried to photograph them but could not focus on anything and we were not able to get any type of evidence except for the fact that both of us saw the same objects and agreed that they were not airplanes or any other physical objects that we had ever seen before. The sky was somewhat cloudy this evening so we could tell they were below the cloud cover until they disappeared. I know what we saw was not like anything I have seen before.

We have made a sketch of the objects in Microsoft Paint, but can't figure out how to insert it in this message.


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