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posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by and14263

Hi there.
I have come across a channel on youtube which is supposedly to be acebryan. .
Now I dont know if it is or not but have a look and if it isnt,well lets hope it hasnt been put there by someone else with other intentions.Disinfo and the like.

Love and light


posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 08:56 PM
this is all very strange.....once again i see project bluebeam in full swing....closing down the channels of information which pose a threat to its agenda.

this has nothing to do with copywrite but to silence any possible dissenters who may be able to see through the pseudo truth of what soon is going to occur.....a fake disclosure designed to serve project bluebook.

[edit on 3-10-2008 by welivefortheson]

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:08 PM
If any of you out there have a great stack of videos with the information that Acebryan had and are fearfull of sharing them with the public (that they maybe taken down) please post anyway, they may stop you eventually but at least the info is out there while it is. ALSO if you would like to have your account life maximized, just post your videos on several accounts, no more than 100 or so an account. Limitting your activity prolongs your obscurity from youtube censors.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by and14263

Hey there and14263,

It's funny you brought this up, I really miss AceBryan7ox's vids on YouTube.

I remember a time when I'd pick one of them vids every day for a while. I must have seen all those documentaries and ufo footage. He will be sorely missed.

But I recall that the best person for coast to coast and other alternative radio shows was theduderinok. Pretty sure he's still around.

Is there a conspiracy? .. mmm... well.. considering that it was only a matter of time before AceBryan7ox got censored.. and this was predicted by so many people.. hmm.. I'd say a big yes! He simply started to pose a threat, so they harassed him on legal basis. If he wasn't that important, nobody would take notice.. but he really compiled a huge collection of sensitive material. Don't forget that YouTube has been bought out by Google.

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