posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:39 AM
he Russo-Georgian war continues to resonate, and it is time to expand our view of it. The primary players in Georgia, apart from the Georgians, were
the Russians and Americans.
On the margins were the Europeans, providing advice and admonitions but carrying little weight. Another player, carrying out a murkier role, was
Israel. Israeli advisers were present in Georgia alongside American advisers, and Israeli businessmen were doing business there. The Israelis had a
degree of influence but were minor players compared to the Americans.
More interesting, perhaps, was the decision, publicly announced by the Israelis, to end weapons sales to Georgia the week before the Georgians
attacked South Ossetia. Clearly the Israelis knew what was coming and wanted no part of it. Afterward, unlike the Americans, the Israelis did
everything they could to placate the Russians, including having Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert travel to Moscow to offer reassurances. Whatever
the Israelis were doing in Georgia, they did not want a confrontation with the Russians.
[edit on 19-9-2008 by computerwiz32]