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I have noticed a pattern "Contactee's" & ET

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posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 08:23 AM
Not everybody is the same though.

There must be a whole spectrum of people that do not talk about their experiences.
Or do not get heard.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 09:00 AM
People don't want to know the truth, especially on ATS. I am a contactee 24/7/365 I never close and they never leave. The mass media is not interested because the "reality" does not meet up to their expectations. We, the aliens and i gave up trying to get humanity involved in our decisions and proceded without them. We really get a lot done when we don't waste out time trying to educate people who don't want to learn. A good starting point for you to learn is that the planet is alive, all of it right down to the core. The world is the dog, humankind are the fleas upon them. The human lease is up, your religions tell you that all will be changed and most will die. The Creator takes 144,000 and the rest of you get divvied out to those you have chosen as your gods. Either way, you have to vacate the premises (the very earth beneath your feet is a person and they want you to get off them and for you to take you house, car, and the rest of your junk and go. Of course there is no place to go. Your layer of the onion is being peeled off and their layer is being exposed. Of course many of these returnees will want to reclaim that which you have taken from them, usually in the form of lifeforce. Expect back the Maya, many have already returned, they like head games.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by vance


Alien contact is never random. The personal connection we have with another race is permanent from before life. We are born with it as a mutual opportunity. Not all humans who have a connection know that they do, or are contacted on a physical level. Most refuse it.

Absolutely anybody might have alien contact. You can't determine it by their profession, intelligence, personality or mentality. Even severely retarded people may have alien contact.

Why would anybody expect that when a highly respected professional has alien contact, and he knows about it, he would let it become public knowledge? As soon as any person lets it out that he has alien contact, his social and professional status and reputation is dropped to the bottom.

Not everyone who works with alien life learns things that need to be shared publicly. Many things we learn are so secret that even we can't know about them on this level. Sometimes to know, and for others to know, means the ruin of what we work for.

The people who think for themselves and speak out amid controversy despite reprimand to make unpopular ideas known to all, who break down stubborn common dogmas, are not like 'everyone else' in the groups that need to be broken up. They become the unpopular among us because of their greatest efforts.

You are right that the people you learn the truth about alien contact from do share attributes. The greatest is bravery.

Gloria Steinem:
The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.

Helen Keller:
The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next.

Margaret Mead:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Woodrow Wilson:
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Robert Frost:
Most of the change we think we see in life
Is due to truths being in and out of favor.

Pearl S. Buck:
You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea.

Nelson Mandela:
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Marian Wright Edelman:
You really can change the world if you care enough.

Robert F. Kennedy:
Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.

[edit on 9/21/2008 by EarthSister]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 10:00 AM
That is a good theory and just for having one at all and a reasonable reply gains you a star from me. Thank you much. I still wonder why you sound so sure your contact is alien in nature and maybe even predestined before birth.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I fail to see the racism here. Was Barney Hill not a black man? Did he not have a white wife? I am pretty sure that these are indeed facts. Where the OP's comments might be considered crude or the like, I fail to see any form of bigotry. If indeed an overweight divorced women with 4 children living in a trailer does indeed claim to have some cosmic knowledge or message, I would say that, while not completely polite and politically correct, it is an accurate description.

On to the OP's post. I don't think this needs to be that complicated. As far as abductions go, perhaps it's just as simple as a matter of where said ET entered our atmosphere and maybe a certain level of seclusion.

As far as contactee's go, maybe they just have the right frame of mind. Or perhaps said ET doesn't want someone close minded, or set in their ways having already been trained on concepts of how the world works i.e. formal education. Perhaps the chosen individuals are chosen because they will not attempt to get diagnosed with schizophrenia when they start hearing voices with some galactic message.

[edit on 21-9-2008 by Ogre14t]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by vance
That is a good theory and just for having one at all and a reasonable reply gains you a star from me. Thank you much. I still wonder why you sound so sure your contact is alien in nature and maybe even predestined before birth.

Thank you for the star, vance!

I don't know everything, but I am sure of what I do know because of my own education with alien life, spirits and angels. My husband and I have contact together, and our contact is physical and spiritual, educational and progressive. We have grown to know our alien friends very well for a long time through our thousands of experiences and communications, and that is why we trust the things they show us.

The alien people are just as alive and physical as we are, and we see them, feel them and hear them physically as well as spiritually. Usually our contact is by spirit, but it makes no difference.

Most people who have alien contact do not progress because of countless roadblocks to understanding in human life and nature. When the alien people have a human willing to work with them, the human often goes straight to the UFO field to find out what's "really" happening to him instead, and he loses his way. His entire experience and perception of it becomes his own evidence to prove true the disinformation. His contact becomes unproductive and his awareness of it must end on a physical level.

[edit on 9/21/2008 by EarthSister]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by Ogre14t

Thank you,
I am far from a racist. I was just naming the incidents in just about any order, not naming them specifically. Like I didn't use Travis Walton's name.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by EarthSister

Earthsister, with thousands of experiences with these entities, I imagine you have a lot of information to share with ATS. It would be great if you started a new thread describing in depth what you and your husband have experienced

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by vance
It seems to me that "ET" is only interested in contacting and or abducting the most mundane folks of the world.
Only interested in the most unremarkable people out here on our beautiful planet. ...
I wonder why they won't take someone like oh I don't know, Stanton Friedman? ...

There seems to be a spiritual law that they tell us what they are going to do to us, before they can do it. I don't think that it has to be BELIEVED, just stated.

Therefore, if you are required to tell someone, but you don't want it to actually be BELIEVED, who would you go to?

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 08:40 AM
I think the possible reason why they don't take well known people is that they maybe don't want to be found out on a grand scale of things. They perhaps are only interested in 'average' people and not those that are so different from most other people.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by SmallManGeorge

how would they make that comparison? I mean to say, how would they discern who is notable and who is not? The whole thing I find so incredible it isn't even funny. Fascinating yes but, incredible none the less.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by EarthSister

Earthsister, with thousands of experiences with these entities, I imagine you have a lot of information to share with ATS. It would be great if you started a new thread describing in depth what you and your husband have experienced

Lucid Lunacy

I have posted a great deal on ATS that you can read back on, and I'm always happy to answer anything I can. I love to tell about my experiences, and I share openly through many avenues.

You can read about how this started for my husband Jack and me on my web site.

The Project At Earth

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:31 PM
a lot of the responses are saying that the aliens choose ordinairy people because they dont trust the elites.. or that they dont want to expose themselves in a grand matter.. but at the same time.. there telling there contactees..that they must tell the world that they need to shape up.. and take care of the planet.. and stop war.. etc..etc..etc.. all of which are huge.. and grand objectives.. ????? so it is clear in my mind.. that these visitations are just dreams ... very vivid.. and real to the person.. there just unable to distinguish them from reality ... in this day and age.. where the only place you can go without being filmed is the bathroom.. .. we still dont have a shot of a flying saucer hovering over someones home to abduct them???????? why is that.??? not one single film.. photo... or recording??? and im not talking some fuzzy light .. or shadow that could be anything.. just a simple clear shot. geezzz.. if it was happening as much as people think it is.. there would be a neighbor.. a cop.. or someone that would spot one grabbing someone out of there bed at night, or how about this.. while the person is gone.. supposedly up in the ship,.. do you think maybe someone else would notice that there gone????? ahh.. gee honey.. i rolled over last night to get a little and you werent there??? I looked all over the house.. and couldnt find you.. ?? mind telling me where you were??? How often do you hear that story??? uhhhhh never... missing time.. is missing time.. just because you had missing time.. doesnt mean everyone else did... I could go on and on. . but it all falls on deaf ears anyhow.. bottom line is... it aint happening.. I can prove its not.. but you cant prove it is.. anybody who claims to be getting abducted.. has never been abducted when anyone else is there to watch.. that is my proof.. and that is the same reason that you cant prove you are being abducted. its no different than telling me you can fly.. but when I ask you to show me.. you tell me that you can only do it when your alone.. nice try... im outta here..

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:49 PM
I think aliens do visit Earth and so abduct people sometimes but what gets me is why are they telling some of these abductees to spread the word to change the world for good and all that when the average citizen has no power over these things?

Why not abduct someone from the Rothchild family and brainwash them into doing good rather than people with out as much power?
At least abduct someone with some kind of political power that can make a change.

For beings that are more evolved/advanced than us you would think they would try there brainwashing or whatever on SOME people that can make a huge difference with money.
The logic behind it just doesn't add up.

But then theres the whole making of "Hybrid" alien/humans project thing they supposedly have going on so maybe there just kind of killing two birds with one stone and taking seamen/eggs and while there at it implant a few ideas/memories in there test subjects..

I duno I'm just tryin to make logic out of it.

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