posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 09:53 PM
Some of you might have seen my new avatar. Today, and till election day, I am protesting the same old politicians. Many of you may still be pointing
at the right and the left, but we need a new kind of politician. Someone who can help all of us. I thought it was Ron Paul but he pulled out, and now
the choices aren't even close to being the type of leader I want. I have been given the choice by the media to pick the lesser of two evils. When you
pick the lesser of two evils, you're still choosing evil. How can we find someone who came from where we are, and help Americans not corporate and
foreign companies. Our future is at stake, and we are doing nothing about it. Lets ditch the old man, and the un experienced new-comer. We find
someone who comes from the ditches and alleys that we are all from. Someone who knows hard work and strife. Someone who wasn't given the position
they are now, who worked for everything they have. We need a change. George Washington started where his people were. He wasn't given his place in
history, he earned it. Blood, sweat, and tears are the platform of my next president.