posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 09:38 PM
The colors turn out as so, due to various 'filters' attached onto certain telescopes that pick up various wavelengths. I believe the filters consist
of Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. I may be wrong but I believe this process is call Spectroscopy.
"When astronomers observe supernovae, they do so today using telescopes working at various wavelengths. With optical telescopes, with which most of
us are familiar, astronomers measure the amount of light being emitted by a supernova, as seen from Earth, usually through a number of light filters.
From these measurements, they can determine how the luminosity, or brightness, and color of a supernova evolves, or, varies with time."
Spectroscopy definiton:
So to answer your question, I believe that the wavelengths (which can be used to make color visible to humans) occurs naturally in supernova.
[edit on 18/9/2008 by agent violet]