posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 02:21 PM
Bodrul, what is a "thigh" neighbor? How is it different from, say, a head neighbor?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Being a Christian (at least to me) means having a relationship with your savior. Just like when a couple gets married; they don't automatically
"fit" on every aspect of their togetherness. It takes time to adjust to one another, get to know each other, when to compromise, etc. We will be
imperfect until the resurrection when imperfection puts on perfection (biblical reference, btw).
As far as "going to church"....we ARE the church; being built up with one another into the body of Christ. That doesn't mean we forsake the
assembling of ourselves together but it does mean that we don't GO TO church.
I don't let other people define what is "proper" for my Christian walk. If they had all the answers, they'd be God. They're not so when someone
tells me I'm a "bad Christian" because I do this or that or because I don't do something they think I should, I just shrug and tell them they're
probably right and ask them to "pray with me right now". That usually shuts them up because most people don't want to light a candle, they just
want to curse your darkness. If they do take me up on my offer and pray for my "wretched soul", I thank them profusely and go on.
A lot of people calling themselves Christians use their religion to beat others over the head (spiritually speaking). Since they have so little
control over their own lives, it gives them a tool to gain some imagined control over the lives of others. I have little patience for those
I see the same tack used by other religions and it's just as annoying as when I see it used by Christians. Ignorance, intolerance, bigotry and abuse
is not well disguised by a religious cloak and just makes unbelievers think that it was The Almighty who clothed us with such.
Asking if someone follows their faith properly is a little like asking, "are you a good wife?" Some days, yes, some days, not so good but either
way-we're still "the wife".