posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:44 PM
Hello everybody,
I am back after some time away from here. What brough me back was the realisation that this NAU and economic crisis are going hand in hand.
Everytime I hear something about stocks or the economy I just keep thinking about how the perfect solution to such 'difficult time' is to get this
NAU started since the US dollar is at an all time low and the 58trillion dollar deficit can be scratched if this NAU gets up and running.
And so i'm back. I have alot of reading to catch up on this site, but I look forward to reposting and seeing some of my old forum buddies on here!
And since i've been gone, I had a baby girl (Abigail) who is now 7 months old. She is Canadian and American, but that won't matter soon anyway, as
it will all be one country soon.
Cheers to all!