Can someone please offer me a theory as to WTF this is???
Shouldn't stories like these be given more attention? Certainly a GDDAMN chicken footed duck or a winged cat is at least as interesting as American
Idol. What is going on here people? Why does it seem that there are more and more animals with "abnormalities? Is it me or do they seem to keep
coming out of China?
If it manages to have offspring with any resemblance to this I would be very interested. One anomoly could be anything but interesting find none the
Thank you for providing two excuses for something that won't fit into your head.Why does everything that doesn't make sense or won't fit into
someones tiny brain automaticly photoshopped?
well obviously it's afraid of the water because it doesn't have webed feet and can't swim well.
it's probably just a simple mutation, I suppose that's what happens when you try and industrialize in 15years powering the whole thing with dirty
coal and chemicals banned in the rest of the world for 40 years.
I do agree... it is alot more interesting than American idol though
No, I was saying it honestly looks photophopped, the head of the duck looks too colored in, and has a slight outline.
It fits in my head fine, thanks. Don't get cranky because I actually look at the picture. (of course my monitor is a TV, and that outline might be
my TV) Jeez.
It could just be that being from a poor village they decided to remove the webbing from the feet of the duck so it wouldnt find a puddle or pond and
their dinner swims away, the wings are probably clipped aswell, or they did it for a quick buck