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New FAA "Flight 77" flight path animation shows north of citgo approach

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
Don't be a fool. The FDR data quite clearly verifies that AA77 flew the flight path south of the Citgo gas station and crashed into the Pentagon.

jthomas, why does the FAA video show the alleged Flight AA77 flying North of Citgo?

You can't refute that fact just because you are a CIT lackey and believe in its Pentagon fairy tales.

Your personal attack has been noted.

How can I refute or confirm anything from the alleged FDR, when there has not been any serial numbers released to verify that it was the actual FDR from the alleged Flight AA77?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

How can I refute or confirm anything from the alleged FDR, when there has not been any serial numbers released to verify that it was the actual FDR from the alleged Flight AA77?

Keep talking to yourself. You fool no one. NO "imaginary white jet" flew over the Pentagon no matter how much you want to believe your CIT masters.

Like I said, don't make a fool of yourself. Your fantasies are finished.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
Keep talking to yourself.

I'm at a keyboard, typing. I'm not talking to anyone.

You fool no one.

I'm not trying to fool anyone, so at least we agree there. All I'm doing is staying on topic, within this thread.

NO "imaginary white jet" flew over the Pentagon no matter how much you want to believe your CIT masters.

It's got nothing to do with the title of this thread. Your handwaving and deflection techniques are noted.

CIT are not my masters. Your false claiim has been noted. You don't know what I believe, so again, your false claim has been noted.

Like I said, don't make a fool of yourself.

Thanks for your concern. I gladly pass on the same advice to you.

Your fantasies are finished.

My fantasies? I fantasise about you supplying me with an answer to this question: jthomas, can you please explain why the FAA released a video that shows the flight path for the alleged Flight AA77 passing North of Citgo?

So far, you've denied me of my fantasy, as you haven't responded, nor have you attempted to stay on topic in this thread.

As for my other fantasies... well not only are they off-topic to this thread, they're also off-topic to this entire forum. You're not getting near those!

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Your fantasies are finished.

My fantasies?

Yes, YOUR fanatasies.

I fantasise about you supplying me with an answer to this question: jthomas, can you please explain why the FAA released a video that shows the flight path for the alleged Flight AA77 passing North of Citgo?

I know it's hard for you 9/11 Deniers to admit you fall for such silly notions in the face of the preponderance of overwhelming evidence that you have never been able to refute.

You 9/11 Twoofaloons have just become laughable parodies of yourselves.

See my avatar and sig for the reality that the burden of proof still remains on your shoulders to refute the evidence and you cannot do it after seven years of evasion.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is dying an agonizingly painful death as you so aptly demonstrate for all to see.

Get a life, kid, and stop wasting your time on the utter nonsense you substitute for reality.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
I know it's hard for you 9/11 Deniers to admit you fall for such silly notions in the face of the preponderance of overwhelming evidence that you have never been able to refute.

Why is it a silly notion that the FAA released a flight path of the alleged Flight AA77 passing North of Citgo? Please, explain it all for us, in great detail why the FAA did what they did and why it is silly?

You 9/11 Twoofaloons have just become laughable parodies of yourselves.

Again, your off-topic sentiments are clearly noted.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is dying an agonizingly painful death as you so aptly demonstrate for all to see.

How do you correlate me asking one question, to representing 'The 9/11 Truth Movement' - whatever that is supposed to be?

Get a life, kid, and stop wasting your time on the utter nonsense you substitute for reality.

Personal attacks are again noted. Off-topic response is again noted.

In your post you didn't try to answer my question, jthomas - why did the FAA release a video showing the alleged Flight AA77 passing North of Citgo?

[edit on 7-11-2008 by tezzajw]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:36 PM

posted by tezzajw
jthomas, why does the FAA flight path show the alleged Flight AA77 flying North of Citgo?

posted by jthomas
Don't be a fool. The FDR data quite clearly verifies that AA77 flew the flight path south of the Citgo gas station and crashed into the Pentagon.

You can't refute that fact just because you are a CIT lackey and believe in its Pentagon fairy tales. See my sig for further details.

You really should apologize to the families of ALL the victims of AA77's crash into the Pentagon.

jthomas we know you have trouble with big letters and general reading comprehension overall; but FAA is not the same as FDR. This thread is about the FAA video released on 9-12-2008. It has nothing to do with the FDR animation video released back in August 2006.

This is a screen shot from the FAA video

And this is a screen shot from the FDR video

See jthomas they are not the same and much different.

Can you try to get back on topic now and try to answer tezzajw's question?

jthomas, why does the FAA video show the alleged Flight AA77 flying North of Citgo?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:42 PM

posted by tezzajw
Why is it a silly notion that the FAA released a flight path of the alleged Flight AA77 passing North of Citgo? Please, explain it all for us, in great detail why the FAA did what they did and why it is silly?

It seems jthomas is hopelessly insane and is unable to separate fiction from reality. He just rambles on and on in just about every thread and makes no sense whatsoever. Hopefully the ATS monitors have some method of sending a doctor to help him.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by SPreston

posted by tezzajw
Why is it a silly notion that the FAA released a flight path of the alleged Flight AA77 passing North of Citgo? Please, explain it all for us, in great detail why the FAA did what they did and why it is silly?

It seems jthomas is hopelessly insane and is unable to separate fiction from reality. He just rambles on and on in just about every thread and makes no sense whatsoever. Hopefully the ATS monitors have some method of sending a doctor to help him.

Your desperation is duly noted, SPreston. Here's why:

The failure of the Citizen's Investigation Team (CIT) and Pilots for 9/11 Truth (P4T) to refute the massive and overwhelming evidence that AA77, a Boeing 757, hit the Pentagon in a deliberate crash on the morning of Sept 11. 11, 2001 should be a surprise to no one.

The characteristic political or religious motivations all denial groups like the 9/11 Denial Movement, of which CIT and P4T are the most extreme examples, are always the same. Comparisons with similar groups like Creationists and Holocaust Deniers reveal the irrational, unscientific claims, premises, and methodology used to foist nonsense on the public at large.

Fortunately, 99.9% of the world is rational enough to see through the deliberate misrepesentations, falsehoods, and outright lies of groups like CIT and P4T, and that they start backwards in their claims. When asked to support their claims and present evidence that would have to exist for thier claims to be even remotely valid, CIT has refused to do so for over two years.

Now that both CIT and P4T have been given ample time to present the necessary evidence but refuse to, and that both CIT and P4T have been caught red-handed in easy demonstrations that neither group or their handful of lackeys can possibly demonstrate AA77 or any mysterious "white" plane flew over the Pentagon, it's time to dump both groups into the trashbin of history.

The evidence that AA77 hit the Pentagon is overwhelming and never refuted:

Missing AA77, a Boeing 757:

Confirmed AA77 Flight Path, and geographic area of a 2-mile radius from Pentagon from which a "flyover" would have been visible at the instant a plane would have been over the Pentagon

Verified Pentagon crash eyewitnesses

Interior damage path and location of human remains inside of the Pentagon consistent with direction of flight and kinetic energy the confirmed Boeing 757, flight AA77:


Emergency Response, Rescue Operations, Firefighting, Secondary Explosions

Conspiracists are afraid to have their fantasies destroyed, so they scrupulously avoid contacting the hundreds of Pentagon 9/11 first responders and the over 8,000 people who worked on rescue, recovery, evidence collection, building stabilization, and security in the days after 9/11. These are just some of the organizations whose members worked on the scene:

The Pentagon Building Peformance Report:

Methodology of identifying human remains at the Pentagon:

Comprehensive resources detailing the crash of AA77, a Boeing 757, into the Pentagon on 09/11/2001:

"The mistaken belief that a handful of unexplained anomalies can undermine a well-established theory lies at the heart of all conspiratorial thinking (as well as creationism, Holocaust denial and the various crank theories of physics). All the "evidence" for a 9/11 conspiracy falls under the rubric of this fallacy. Such notions are easily refuted by noting that scientific theories are not built on single facts alone but on a convergence of evidence assembled from multiple lines of inquiry."

- Michael Shermer, "Fahrenheit 2777: 9/11 has generated the mother of all conspiracy theories",

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
Your desperation is duly noted, SPreston. Here's why:

Your desperation is duly noted, jthomas. Here's why:

You have failed to remain on topic in this thread and explain why the FAA released a video showing the alleged Flight AA77 passing North of Citgo.

You have posted the same post in another thread, which admittedly was probably more on topic, so why did you blindy copy and paste the same thing here?

Try and find some new material that is on topic for this thread, please.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by tezzajw]

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