posted on May, 23 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Most officers investigating crashes have heard the "Black Dog" one:
Yes, Officer, it was raining and the road was very slick. It was very dark and hard to see. I was driving carefully, just under the speed limit and
all of a sudden this black dog ran out from (1) between the cars, (2) the shoulder of the highway, (3) behind the big tree on my side of the road, and
when I swerved to miss hitting it, I hit the (1) 3 parked cars on the other side of the road, (2) drove into the ditch on my side of the road, (3) hit
the parked emergency vehicle, yes, that one, with all its wig wags, and red and white flashing light bars on.
Naturally the Black Dog vanishes until next time. Sometimes the Black Dog is seen in different locations at the same time, often miles apart. Go
figure... This usually occurs late at night usually on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, just before or after the bars close.
Personally I find it very spooky and think it can only be explained by the theory that we are being held hostage to a conspiracy by a large and secret
organization which stretches across the entire continent and that these are the shock troops being sent to start chaos and mayhem...