Originally posted by Mr Gone
Not sure how accurate this is, but it is estimated that abovetopsecret.com (just the domain name alone) has a net worth of $396,616.30. That's alot
for a domain name.
Here are the stats from www.websiteoutlook.com...
abovetopsecret.com Estimated Worth $396616.3 USD
Net Worth : $396616.3
Daily Pageview : 180357
Daily Ads Revenue : $543.31
Last updated 3 Days ago
First of all, if you look at our own
Stats Page, you'll see that their traffic estimates are
actually low.
Secondly, their ad revenue estimate is also off. Imagine, if you will, that such a service would estimate ad revenue based on generic Internet-wide
averages based on the typical value of a page-view across all content areas. Now, imagine that some content areas will get much more per page view
than others... for example, a very-popular celebrity news site would earn much more per page-view than a site about fly fishing. Now imagine how that
might apply to a site that focuses on provocative conspiracies, UFOs, paranormal, etc.
However, some posts in this thread have severely underestimated the cost of keeping ATS up and running. Here's some data to consider...
We lease three quad-core web servers with 2GB RAM and fast hard drives, with dual gigabyte optical networking cards. These are clustered under a
dedicated load balancing solution with a custom script to preserve user sessions.
We also lease one 16-core, 32GB RAM, RAID-10 server with six 15k RPM hard drives that was a custom build by our provider.
And we lease another quad-core server with 1GB RAM for auxiliary purposes.
We're also using well beyond stock capacity of the highest-end service on global content caching network that serves up our images, some audio, and
some video.
Our September traffic data is on track to have delivered just over 22 terabytes of content by the end of the month (August was 19.5). If you look into
the basic costs of most of these services from as many providers as you like, you'll quickly see that our bandwidth is well-beyond typical contract
allowances, and the costs of exceeding the cap gets pricey.
On top of that, we have a contract security/IT firm to stay on top of updates and management of the hardware... in addition to add-ons to our hosting
contracts that provide high-capacity storage for our backups.
And with all that in mind, and all that great hardware, we're currently operating at a point that's getting close to exceeding the server farm we
have now. An update with a leased-system provider (which we've been using for 5 years now), is out of the question as our needs would go well-beyond
what can be leased (database clustering and load balancing). So the only next upgrade path available to us is the purchase of our own hardware, rack,
custom deployment, and colocation facility...
which will have a cost-of-entry in excess of $40,000 (just to get it all ready to run).
Then factor in these things...
- We've been investing in getting ATS MIX offline and on-air
- We've invested in a cash advance for a best-selling author to write our first book (who currently has a book on the NYT best-seller list...
consider what that cost us)
- We invested in getting an investigation crew to Gilliland ranch
- We're investing in other offline ventures that may result in announcements soon
While ad revenue, and revenue from other sources, are vitally important to keeping the ATS machine running, I believe that every action of ours has
clearly demonstrated that the "ATS machine" exists to provide our members with ever-improving opportunities to have their say, and expect that we
will do our best to make sure as many people as possible are listening.
All our investments in expanding ATS and in offline projects are tightly
focused on promoting the content of our members to as broad an audience as possible, online and off.
[edit on 14-9-2008 by SkepticOverlord]