posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:46 PM
I agree that 'The Matrix' is closer to reality, in allegory or fact, than most who view it assume.
I have a problem with your description of 'vibrationally activated' DNA, though. As I understand it, DNA, via protein transcription, influences the
creation of cells, and the expression of their metabolism. 'Vibrationally activating', or, in fact, activating in any way, unexpressed DNA
would effect metabolic change, but wouldn't effect change that would cause the body to radically restructure itself. Put another way, all the cells
in the body are in competition, as well as harmony. The structure of the body is formed from a not-perfectly-symmetrical balance between the
advantageous expression of that competition. For example, exactly what cells benefit any can expand into neural pathways, what cell-balance
forms the differentiated shape of an appendage, etc. How can 'activating DNA' change that radically, while still maintaining a metabolic balance?
More information required!
But I understand your allegory. The 'DNA activation' idea you mention, if instead expressed as 'physically invocative memes', makes perfect
sense. I do believe there is a power to the act of believe, and even entirely-rational consideration, that moves beyond the affect of self, and is
capable of changing even the 'objectively defined' world-view, beyond what an individual can consider ego-centric.
Also, 2012 still seems arbitrary, to me. Why not consider that 'it' has already happened, and the expression of the world is still 'catching up',
as people (slowly) move themselves? Makes just as much sense.