I love the Taser. The thing I don't like, is how often it seems that cops tend to employ them. Every directive on its use I have seen or heard says
that they are for use when lethal force is not necessary, but an officer feels in danger or to end resistance or a struggle. That being said, I was
surprised I haven't seen a lot of negative comments on the following video.
The perp seemed to be surrendering and was not threatening or fighting. What happened to the days of just having weapons drawn and demanding a perp
get down on the ground and spread their arms and legs? It seems that the use of the taser was not justified.
I don't know if it is the mentality of the times or the lack of understanding and education of the officers. Things like this seem to happen, or at
least or reported, quite often these days. I get the impression that officers think that since it is not supposed to kill them they can use it
The para-military forces these days seem to demonstrate that any force less than lethal is ok. I don't see it getting any better.
I think it is down to were the cop was getting all heated up by the chase that when he got near to the perp the urge to taser the guy just became too
Quite awful really.
Good post, flag from me!