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Serial blasts rock Delhi; 18 dead

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posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by manson_322

these terror groups bombed the islamic sufi Ajmer Sharif Shrine last year , so what you think , the muslims support them , no they do not

this proves terror outfits have no religion , as they love killing for whatever silly or valid reason , it may be....

, also these terror outfits murder muslims in Jammu & Kashmir on a regular
basis , so you think muslims support them ....

fact is that Islamic terror was created by CIA and Saudi Arabia

Surely you don't don't believe that Muslims on Muslim violence is any more prevalent than Christian on Christian violence. It must be a wonderful place to blame all your society ills and political problems onto others that have no influence of events.

It's easy to blame the USA for everything. It's much harder to stand up and act like a man and tell your people that they are to blame for their problems.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 06:41 PM
what the media calls islamic terroism mainly started after the U.S. installed the shah of iran.

they aren't attacking your freedoms, that's why they don't attack countries that are more free than yours, like Canada or scandanavian countries.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Tell that to all the fire bombed Danish embassies.

Why do you cover your own eyes to the truth and weep that you are blind? Why are you defending terrorism?

Additionally by your logic, if terrorism is validated by the actions of the CIA sponsored overthrow of Mossadegh, then you appear to think that terrorism is a legitimate form of warfare. If so, why must America be rebuked if they then go after and annihilate the terrorists?

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 07:33 PM
If they would collect proof, which could be independantly reviewed, and then insert a small team to take out these terrorists I'd have no problem with it, myself, tbh.

Afterwards , they can give this evidence to the proper authoritys and justify what they done.

Thing is, these 'events' usually get misused to curtail freedom and kill a lot of people not connected with this in the first place..

I'm not informed enough about the situation in India to know the 'players', who's backed by who, who's training who, etc. So I can't point fingers.

I do expect though you'll get some heavy-duty law-changes soon though.. as if the laws where allready drawn up and just waited for something like this to happen

With the timing I'm suspicious though.. just when Pakistan flexes it's muscles at the USA for infringing it's borders, India gets hit in a way that seems to link Pakistani's ?

I hope the victims rest in peace.. and I hope the ones who performed this rest in pieces.. but only those, not the 'collateral damage' that usually takes place on large scales..

[edit on 13-9-2008 by Phatcat]

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by hinky

Surely you don't don't believe that Muslims on Muslim violence is any more prevalent than Christian on Christian violence. It must be a wonderful place to blame all your society ills and political problems onto others that have no influence of events.

It's easy to blame the USA for everything. It's much harder to stand up and act like a man and tell your people that they are to blame for their problems.

the islamic group is attacking muslim that dont support them, they are the wrong kind of muslims for them

so are just good a target as anyone else

main stream muslim's in india dont support them is what he is saying

by your logic when Ireland was going off in style the united kingdom should have accepted the catholics had declared war on us and we should wipe them out and get them out of our country

the ira was a militant group made up of catholics, didnt mean catholics declared war on the british goverment

anymore then an islamic militant group means all muslims

as for the cia they have caused a lot of crap directly and indirectly but thats them not all americans

you see these huge grey areas ..

and as for Saudi, the extreme muslim beliefs bieng taught in the uk seem to follow a trail either by financing or by direct teaching leads back to Saudi. Wahabarism i think it is, an extreme muslim interpretation people get free travel to Saudi to learn thier version of Islam and then get sent back and the money donations and support of Saudi gets them teaching places within British mosques

is terroroism a valid tatctic in warfare ...... depends resitance cells all over europe were just terrorists under occupation

by the same definaition afgahan iraqi and palestinian and chechen terrorists are just freedom fighters using gorillea tactics the same as the above

all depends on your view of what a terrorist is

and how you decide who's death is right or wrong

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by 44soulslayer
Why are you defending terrorism?

When did I ever defend bush?

Originally posted by 44soulslayer
Additionally by your logic, if terrorism is validated by the actions of the CIA sponsored overthrow of Mossadegh, then you appear to think that terrorism is a legitimate form of warfare. If so, why must America be rebuked if they then go after and annihilate the terrorists?

With every action there is a reaction.
America has over 700 bases in over 140 countries, is everyone evil except for america?

Why do you defend illegal invasions?

Do you know what the definition of a insurgent is?
It's when an intruder enters the home of a texan and he shoots them with his assault rifle.

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