posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 03:04 PM
You should google it. CMS CMSMON hacked. It is really insane that AFP in the first place and then the Times printing it produce so much
panic-mongering just because of really bad journalism, lots of sensationalism by the hackers, and zero research on the matter.
Not the LHC has been hacked, nor its "operating system" (how funny, do you really believe that such a machine has an "operating system" - don't
you rather think that such a machine is controlled by a whole bunch of servers, sensors and control units that usually run either UNIX, Linux or
Windows...), nor has there been an intrusion into the closed network of the CERN.
Rather, the hackers - proud as they are they do have published it on the Internet - have hacked up a very simple web server, called CMSMON, that
displays (and ONLY displays) monitoring data of one of the four big detectors at the LHC, the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid). This is not a "scary"
experiment, it is a detector for extremely small particles. It is only rather big in size, but this has the simple reason to be able to really
"catch" such small particles it is ment to detect.
So basically just a "monitor" that was ment for PUBLIC access has been hacked. Sad, that the press worldwide seems to simply copy-paste without even
switching on their brains. Sad sad sad.