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Antigravity Patent Plans and New Theories!!!!

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posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 03:50 PM
----------Here is some info on antigravity and a gravity inertia drive-------

Quantumn Gravity

Inertia Generator

At these links you will find info on antigravity and an inertia generator in case you hadn't already guessed!

I was wondering if there are any physicists that can actually make sense of it all?

And if it is all sound then why doesn't anyone build one? Just think of all the possibilities of producing an inertia generator.

And not only that but all of the money that could be made form private production or even mass producing them.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 04:02 PM
Yes there are some physicists here. Let's see what they think.

Protector?? Please do the honors...

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 04:45 PM
I will try to make some sense of it. However, the current problem in physics is not making a quantum gravity theory. The problem is using that theory to explain the macroscopic properties of gravity that are explained so well by general relativity. General relativity is a very difficult subject, with the tensors and all; I went to a information day of an university today and they teach it in the 3rd year of a physics study. Since I'm not even at university yet, don't except much on this from me.

If this theory is really a unified quantum theory of gravity, the author should submit it to a physics journal right now and collect his nobel prize in 20 years or something.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 01:44 AM
my issue is how is one person/corporation going to hold a patent for a natural force that is given by god?

that is like charging for light of water; opps i forgot these are those "times"...

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:12 AM
This is interesting. I'll have to go through it at length - I'm not sure what his reasoning is behind all this, but I think he's trying to get at a relationship between electromagnetism and gravity.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:50 AM
Scientists Make Roswell Type Metal
Free Press International
Discovery Magazine - April 2004

Monday, 29 July, 2002, 03:23 GMT 04:23 UK
Boeing tries to defy gravity

Just a few atoms of the newly discovered elements, 113 and 115, existed for split seconds after being created in a particle accelerator. They represent unusual forms of matter with properties that go well beyond those of the 92 elements that occur naturally on Earth.

The Gravity A wave eminates from the nucleus of Element 115 and actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. The propulsion system of the disc amplifies and focuses this Gravity A wave to cause space/time to bend, much like space/time bends in the intense gravitational field of a black hole.
Refer to Bob Lazars claims on elements to produce anti-gravity. Planet type gravity vs microscopic type gravity(electrons and protons etc)

French Scientist's Anti-Gravity Device
* hovering capability (over 100% weight cancellation) * geometrical form * even a humming sound, because of the applied pulsed voltage
The applied phyiscal effect by Jean is the Biefeld- Brown effect, which is a known effect since about 1920.

Australia, The UK,
Anti-Gravity & The Iraq Crisis
By Malcolm Street, Canberra
Sydney Morning Herald
For the record I am a mechanical engineer who spent over two years at a British Aerospace guided missile R&D site in the early 1980s and have continued to take a strong interest in aerospace technology. I am a member of ASRI (Australian Space Research Institute). I am not a crank.

Are you sitting down? Good, because this is going to blow your mind.

Is the government and powers that be slowly releasing this information to explain UFOs as the "One of ours" theory not aliens or is it a conditioning to the real fact that No, we are not alone in the universe and have been and are still being visited by other civilizations?
Look at all the New information on Mars supporting life at one time. Richard Hoagland still maintains his position after 30+ years of redicule by academics

Water Once Filled Mars Opportunity Rover Landing Site
By Tariq Malik
Staff Writer
posted: 04:10 pm ET
02 March 2004
UPDATE: Story first posted 2:00 p.m. EST, March 2, 2004
The landing site of the Mars rover Opportunity was once drenched with water, providing an environment that could have supported life, NASA scientists announced at a press conference today.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:56 AM
The math starts out okay, but then he starts making some fairly unwarranted conclusions about the behaviors of particles. The final kicker is when he says "and after all this math, God Did It."

Now... I don't mind divinity being proposed as a scientific force, but you've got to first establish that the divine exists and give a mathematical description of its function and force and how it operates and how the GodForce can be distinguished between (say) laser particle energy.

It's interesting and quasi-scientific, but as Real Science it isn't workable. It's like saying "Gasoline is formed under pressure in cat crackers in oil companies -- THEREFORE Tyranosaurus Rex exists!"

There may be some provable link, but this sure ain't it.


posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 08:02 AM

my roommate and i experimented with those.. they use ionic wind to lift up

it was very fun, but after a while the smell really got to us and was giving us headaches so we stopped

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 08:33 AM
I was looking for relaible sources for the New Metal said to be made and I cannot find any, Cal tech normal news nothing, can someone tell me if this is really true and point to real evidence.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Lampyridae
This is interesting. I'll have to go through it at length - I'm not sure what his reasoning is behind all this, but I think he's trying to get at a relationship between electromagnetism and gravity.

I belive you are talking about String Theory.

String Theory connects the 3 major forces (Neuclear Energy, Gravity, Electromagnitism) in our universe to create a Unified General Theory. From what I've read about it, the math works but, in order for this theory to be true, "stings" have to exist, which are WAY smaller than electrons and such. So the problem comes up, how do you prove existance of this theory if you cant see these "strings"? Scientists like to say, "If you can prove something on paper, but you cant observe it or witness its components is it science or philosophy?" So in there the problem exists. But I could see these types of science, if not Sring Theory a similar one, one day creating a master equation, the eqation for EVERYTHING!

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by foolishbeing
my issue is how is one person/corporation going to hold a patent for a natural force that is given by god?

that is like charging for light of water; opps i forgot these are those "times"...

You can't hold a patent for a natural force i.e. the internal drives, I know because I am developing one right now. You can only hold a patent on the way to extract that force. There are many internal thrusters out there.

I am not a physicist, but I think they work by creating a Non-Linear cyntrifical force. If it pushes harder on one side than the other of the centerfuge, it creates thrust in one direction.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 10:35 AM
I'm sre it was great but that is a sh*t load to read.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 10:37 AM
Yeah, that's one really long article. but interesting find nonetheless. Always looking foward to any developpement in that field.

So, when are the hoover-boards coming out anyway? (j/k)

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 03:14 PM
Well, this guy doesn't really justify anything mathematically, or offer any real research. The thing about Grand Unified Theory is that EVERYBODY HAS ONE!!
Looking at his stuff again, I see that what he's really talking about is some kind of temporal oscillation. But, without any maths to go with it... and I don't see much in the way of that horrible maths you get in quantum physics.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 03:16 PM
This one is much more fun.

Vasant Corporation

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 03:35 PM
did anyone check out the link above to On the page about the hutchinson effect, I checked out the videos about halfway down, and was pretty impressed at first.

then while watching video #2, i noticed what looks like a string being pulled back and forth in the top left corner of the vid. anyone else notice this? anyone have an explanation? maybe its just me.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by dunkleskates
did anyone check out the link above to On the page about the hutchinson effect, I checked out the videos about halfway down, and was pretty impressed at first.

then while watching video #2, i noticed what looks like a string being pulled back and forth in the top left corner of the vid. anyone else notice this? anyone have an explanation? maybe its just me.

haven't seen that specific video, but if it is one of the "lifters" then it was probibly the lead wire. These things run off of electricity, and seince there is no on-board power supply, you need wires.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Dunkleskates:

then while watching video #2, i noticed what looks like a string being pulled back and forth in the top left corner of the vid. anyone else notice this? anyone have an explanation? maybe its just me.

Be careful, man... Cal Tech's assassins will be after you if they hear about this...

You've discovered the REAL secret behind String Theory!

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