zeitgeist is an online movie giving evedence that jesus never exsisted, and that 911, pearl harbor, and the great depression were also setup. it also
explains how the central banking system makes us slaves to the debt of our government. ive done my own research on these things and the more that i do
the more they seem to be true. if anyone else has seen this movie i would like to here your opinoins on it. the movie is free and online you can watch
it at www.zeitgeistmovie.com. its pretty long but its worth it
seen this movie a few times and i have to say the first part about jesus was the best evidence to prove that the whole jesus thing was a hijack of
ancient beliefs in the stars and planets...
Zeitgeist is eyeopening and griping. Some sites say it creates a motive for more terrorism. Since when Do terrorist need a motive. Ive done my
research on the doc, and there is far more evidence that it is factual than fictional.
I am an atheist - thus have no reason to defend something I don't believe in. However, although I do believe ancient religions influenced each other
(and no doubt you will find common motives and believes between many of them), many of the claims made in Zeitgeist the movie about Horus, Attis,
Krishna, Dionysus, Mithra, constalations, etc are not accurate at all!