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What Really Happened On 9-11?

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posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 08:43 AM
This is from dprgram posted on the 12th of Sept. 2008

The events of 9-11 are seared into the collective psyche of this generation.. We have all been affected by the catastrophes of that fateful day, but what really happened on 9-11?

Some people believe an outlandish conspiracy theory involving 19 Arab hijackers who allegedly: commandeered four commercial jets with nothing more than their cunning, wit, resolve, hatred of America, and some box cutters; then proceed to fly these aircraft around US airspace unfettered for a total lapsed time of over an hour; on three of the planes, pulled stunning flight maneuvers beyond the capability of even expert pilots; and, managed to cause damage to their targets — one of which just happens to have been the most heavily defended building in the world — so extreme as to be in clear violation of several well understood laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Thermodynamics.. This amazing conspiracy theory is even more suspicious and bizarre in that it is the one proffered by the United States Government (USG) and the 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission.. In the 9-11 Truth Movement we call it the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT)..

Thankfully, despite the best efforts of the corporate-controlled media and virtually the entire US Congress, there are literally millions of people in this country and millions more around the world who do not believe that these 19 Arabs, as clever as they purportedly were, could have somehow suspended the laws of Physics on 9-11..

Are There Competing Conspiracy Theories?

We just observed that the official story of 9-11 is in fact a “conspiracy theory”… and a wacky one at that, one that happens to be physically impossible!
There must be another explanation, one that doesn’t require us to rewrite most of Newtonian Physics.. There is, in fact, another explanation that is supported by the empirical evidence, the observed events of the day.. It is more than a “conspiracy theory” at this point.. It has been sufficiently verified, tested, and refined to be rightly called a “conspiracy reality”..

True, there are competing conspiracy “theories”, but they only compete with the OCT not the conspiracy reality, as they all have anomalies, inconsistencies, improbabilities, and out right impossibilities that will keep them forever in the realm of “theory” unsupported by fact.. These conspiracy “theories” that eschew the OCT only to embrace other utter nonsense (like: planes didn’t hit the WTC, holograms and “video trickery” were used instead; the three WTC skyscrapers demolished on 9-11 were destroyed by exotic, space-based, directed energy beam weapons; a commercial jet really did hit the Pentagon) are in reality all part of a concerted COINTELPRO-style USG disinformation campaign designed to splinter and marginalize those of us who have solved the Rubik’s Cube of 9-11.. These “theories” don’t compete with what is known to be true by the vast majority of the 9-11 Truth Movement, they are deliberate and elaborate disinformation campaigns designed to make those of us who do know the truth look foolish by association..

What Is The Real Conspiracy?

Here is a synopsis of what the best and brightest researchers around the world have gleaned over the past five-plus years from the best evidence available

  1. yes, 9-11 was a “terrorist” attack, but it was not perpetrated by “angry Arabs”, it was a State-sponsored “inside job”, a “false flag” operation planned, executed, and covered up by elements of the USG and operatives from at least two other countries… it was the greatest act of psychological warfare ever perpetrated;
  2. the alleged 19 Arab “hijackers” were “patsies”, several are still alive, several were under the care and feeding of USG operatives and were being “trained” at CIA-operated flight schools;
  3. FBI field agents who discovered the plot were told by their superiors not to investigate the “suspicious Arabs in flight schools”;
  4. * no interceptor jets were launched in a timely manner on 9-11 because of the five to seven overlapping war games — “games” simulating a simultaneous hijacking of several planes — that were taking place on 9-11;
  5. the planes that hit the Twin Towers were most likely remotely controlled to their intended targets;
  6. WTC 1 and 2 (the Twin Towers) and WTC 7 were all destroyed by preplanted charges — a combination of Thermate and high-powered explosives — in controlled demolitions;
  7. the Pentagon was hit by a military drone painted to look like American Airlines flight 77, possibly in combination with a cruise missile;
  8. the cell-phone calls allegedly made from the “hijacked” flights were not possible with the technology available on 9-11 from the altitude and speed at which the jets were traveling, these calls were faked to help sell the OCT;
  9. the fate of United flight 93 is still up for debate at this time, it seems to have been intended to hit Congress and was likely shot down by a “rogue” air force interceptor, but some reports claim it landed in Cleveland (one way or another, all passengers are dead)

Analysis of the Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators

Of the 103 people named on the list of Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators there are:

22 current or former members of George W Bush’s White House (22%);
4 current or former members of Congress (4%);
6 current or former FBI agents or officials (6%);
6 current or former CIA agents or officials (6%);
6 current or former officials of New York (6%);
12 current or former high-ranking USG military commanders (12%);
13 current or former USG officials (not included above) (13%);
12 current or former members of PNAC (12%);
16 consultants, lobbyists, or members of a “think tank” (not including PNAC) (16%);
12 engineers (12%);
34 current or former corporate executives (33%);
4 senior “statesmen” (4%);
5 members of the Bush family (5%);
1 Canadian (1%);
1 Pakistani (1%);
2 Arabs (2%);
2 Brits (2%);
4 known or suspected Mossad agents (4%);
14 people who hold “dual citizenship” (14%); and
27 Israelis and Zionists (including people with “dual citizenship” noted above) (27%)

Note: Since the same person can be counted in more than one category, the tally above will not add up to 103 and the percentages will not total to 100%
Read the Full page here

[edit on 12-9-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 12-9-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 08:57 AM
I see you have moved on from your Flight 93 threads to all the other theories.

Well... better late than never. Just let us know when you decide to post facts...for a change.

[edit on 12-9-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana

What Is The Real Conspiracy?

Here is a synopsis of what the best and brightest researchers around the world have gleaned over the past five-plus years from the best evidence available

  1. yes, 9-11 was a “terrorist” attack, but it was not perpetrated by “angry Arabs”, it was a State-sponsored “inside job”, a “false flag” operation planned, executed, and covered up by elements of the USG and operatives from at least two other countries… it was the greatest act of psychological warfare ever perpetrated;

Facts please? This is an opinion...what "best & brightest" researchers said this?

  • the alleged 19 Arab “hijackers” were “patsies”, several are still alive, several were under the care and feeding of USG operatives and were being “trained” at CIA-operated flight schools;

  • Have you seen them? Even Mohammads Attas father said his son is dead. Any proof of this?

  • FBI field agents who discovered the plot were told by their superiors not to investigate the “suspicious Arabs in flight schools”;

  • Source for this sir?

  • * no interceptor jets were launched in a timely manner on 9-11 because of the five to seven overlapping war games — “games” simulating a simultaneous hijacking of several planes — that were taking place on 9-11;

  • Please show the timelines of these jets compared to how it should have been done.

  • the planes that hit the Twin Towers were most likely remotely controlled to their intended targets;

  • Hehehe. This is what your best and brightest came up with huh?

  • WTC 1 and 2 (the Twin Towers) and WTC 7 were all destroyed by preplanted charges — a combination of Thermate and high-powered explosives — in controlled demolitions;

  • Wow high-powered explosives? Were those the ACME Hush -a-Bombs?

  • the Pentagon was hit by a military drone painted to look like American Airlines flight 77, possibly in combination with a cruise missile;

  • Wow.. a Drone.. with a cruise missile too??? Pretty creative there.

  • the cell-phone calls allegedly made from the “hijacked” flights were not possible with the technology available on 9-11 from the altitude and speed at which the jets were traveling, these calls were faked to help sell the OCT;

  • Were your "best and brightest" aware of an invention called "AIR-PHONES?"

  • the fate of United flight 93 is still up for debate at this time, it seems to have been intended to hit Congress and was likely shot down by a “rogue” air force interceptor, but some reports claim it landed in Cleveland (one way or another, all passengers are dead)

  • oh......thats right..god, you guys are BRILLIANT!

    Mod Edit: BB Code.

    [edit on 12/9/2008 by Mirthful Me]

    posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 09:15 AM
    reply to post by ThroatYogurt

    With ppl like you...who needs a conspiracy site! Between your posts and the control of the mods...I wonder that anyone comes here. This probably won't post but will be seen.

    posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 09:35 AM
    Throat yogurt. You are a resident debunker her at ats and your reply is a textbook example.

    For someone who hates, in your words ' Toofers' and "Stupid conspiracy websites" such as abovetopsecret , why are you here trolling every new thread that show facts and destroys the official account?

    So to people new to reading this or being in this forum. There are 2-6 resident debunkers who will try anything to kill treads with facts that destroy the official story of 911. Do not believe them or follow the darkside of their reality and reasoning. Research this yourself.

    Here are some links.

    The perpetrators of 911 are obviously well financed and organized. They have gone to great lengths and expense to pull off this crime. Why would we expect their efforts to cease with the destruction of the towers. Their efforts continue in the form of a massive and coordinated disinformation campaign that can be seen here today and almost everywhere, on most 911 websites, mainstream news, blogs, youtube, foreign new, etc/.

    I know, I have a friend who was hired through a headhunter agency to do just that

    [edit on 12-9-2008 by IvanZana]

    posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 10:20 AM
    reply to post by IvanZana

    yes sad, this is why i wont offer up any opinion about 911 myself its just a bully pit in my opinion, i even think some folks here are government sponsored agents.

    posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 11:09 AM
    Thanks Ivan, for another timely and informative post. I think the summary of the 'mainstream' of thinking with respect to 9/11 truth (maybe of all 9/11 thought) is right on. Hopefully, as time goes on more and more of the blanks will be filled in.

    Commendations to Throaty for his dogged determination. I often think of him as the General Custer of the debunker movement. (Imagine audio clip of a lone bugler playing Taps.)

    [edit on 12-9-2008 by ipsedixit]

    posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 11:26 AM

    Originally posted by IvanZana
    Throat yogurt. You are a resident debunker her at ats and your reply is a textbook example.

    Thank you. I enjoy my time here. I enjoy a lot of the people here...some...not so much.

    My response is a textbook reply to your posts. You have hundreds of posts here at ATS with VERY minimal facts. You post hearsay, opinions, and in several occasions, out right disingenuous statements. I can point out for instance your OP here:

    "Here is a synopsis of what the best and brightest researchers around the world have gleaned over the past five-plus years from the best evidence available"

    Can you back this up? No you can't. This is similar to the post you made regarding flight 93 and "All the experts agree that flight 93 did not crash there." You failed in listing ONE expert that stated this.

    For someone who hates, in your words ' Toofers' and "Stupid conspiracy websites" such as abovetopsecret , why are you here trolling every new thread that show facts and destroys the official account?

    I can not call you a liar, but I will point out this is yet ANOTHER disingenuous statement. Please feel free to show where I called this website stupid. You will NOT be able to.

    I am not trolling. I am stating FACTS. Something you are not too familiar with.

    So to people new to reading this or being in this forum. There are 2-6 resident debunkers who will try anything to kill treads with facts that destroy the official story of 911. Do not believe them or follow the darkside of their reality and reasoning. Research this yourself.

    Yes, appeal to new members, the "veteran" ones know what your all about.

    I know, I have a friend who was hired through a headhunter agency to do just that

    To post in a Conspiracy Theory website??? BWAHGAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

    posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 01:35 PM

    Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
    Thank you. I enjoy my time here. I enjoy a lot of the people here...some...

    Enjoy it while it last then.

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