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9-11 the post fascist regime of imitators

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posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:15 PM
This thread will address the need for action against fascism, religionist fascism, and secular dissuasion from being United in all our beliefs, choices and cares.

The country was started by Masons and non-masons. In ritual form as though opening a portal into the mind and then sealing it again, America was crested with documents more beautiful to the soul than tea time.

As years went by, corruptions started to seep into the world because of the very existence of a free and declared peoples. Underminers from England, satanic and religious zealots working against each other, bringing down America and the world. Because of a brainwashed state of existence in both paradigms.

The truth is that we were and are all one mind, one flesh. Though different, we all share the same basic facts, and that keeps us as one. But through the decades, division in the name of so called rightiousness (fakeness I call it) was imposed on the world. And the subversive schemers rose from the soil to put upon us wars and tyrannies.

9-11 is to me the code that says evil has stolen Gods power and used it to mock humanity and the true lord of the universes, gods loved creations. We have trees and plants to feed us, bodies to enjoy and teach us and others what is and what is not good. I my view God did not establish governments, God did not establish God, humanity is lying to itself. Man is dellusioned about himself, desperate against killers and liars he finds ways to fight, slowly becoming corrupt himself becuase rightiousness is undefinable thanks to the real law that the God haters have hatetd so long, the law of the jungle-wait until Christ (like a lion) returns!. Yes rightiousness is good, but no ancient book or word can fully describe anything in this reality we experience, words barely to me, cover the spectrum of experience.

Notice before 9-11 artists, movies, cartoons, and other people used the world trade center to connect your conciousness to them, as though they were readying your mind for something focussing on the towers.

If God comes back, which side do you think he will take? Who do you think his absolute power would blink out of this realm? I mean the real God, not catholic or muslim or buddhist or satanic or confusion gods...I mean the God of Gods, I.E. pure creative love and harmonic balance. Obviously 9-11 was not an attack but a way to mock and scoff at the one true god. But in the bible it says God allows evil men to rul your nations to show you he thinks your corrupt and gives you reason to change.

sadly though it also eludes to these evil men and women using weapons of mass destruction if they dont get there way. Like babies without the lil' baba.

America is a pathetic perversion today of what it was potentialy to be. It saddens me to think the only people with guts to cause trouble for evil are paid agent provocetuers or the anarchistic sid vicious style catz. Humanity is lost as long as you let them push you off the collective path towards reality..reality is as follows.

Fascistic words or plights are criminal

all things allowed, not all beneficials

rational thinking and common respect

crime doesnt exist because humanity lives in a spiritual/technological paradise and is self motivated to stay.

let 9-11 be an opposing catalyst for freedom, not fascistic fear mongering mockery of you as you drool over your next quarterback, i mean president. I watch the conventions, I see football and stupid drunk fans screaming whenever a politician scores a touchdown with idle words.

If america cannot look into the mirror and see how stupid it looks in its banana republic, then I I dont know when or how to change things. Other than to be mildly angry about what I am seeing..absolute ignorance and lack of intellectual respectfulness.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by mastermind77]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
Notice before 9-11 artists, movies, cartoons, and other people used the world trade center to connect your conciousness to them, as though they were readying your mind for something focussing on the towers.

Were these people 'in on it'?

If God comes back, which side do you think he will take? Who do you think his absolute power would blink out of this realm? I mean the real God, not catholic or muslim or buddhist or satanic or confusion gods...I mean the God of Gods, I.E. pure creative love and harmonic balance. Obviously 9-11 was not an attack but a way to mock and scoff at the one true god. But in the bible it says God allows evil men to rul your nations to show you he thinks your corrupt and gives you reason to change.

Why are you quoting the Bible while also claiming this is a fake god? Your proposed god has even less evidence to back his existence up than the ones you call fake.

I had a hard time understanding what the rest of your post was meant to mean, I guess there's nothing wrong with a general call for rationality and peace, but I find it odd you juxtapose a call for rationality with talk of nonexistent gods.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:28 PM
right your right, i was quoting the bible because i believe it is the closest to true prophecy and closest to the real God, but I think it still has misinterpretations by man, either deliberate out of stubborn pride or or just ignorance of understanding.

For example I lastnight listened to the catholic channel, a speech about heresy, this man offended me, making me think catholics are being brainwashed to bring back persecution of heretics, im talking back at the tv saying how crazy he is and how b.s. what he says is. That aspect is what I refer to as false. Even Christ prophecied about the anti-christ and the seven hills in the bible, but I guess that means they hid the devil in the mountains..and the church is good for never being real, just put on a good show. like KISS or some other 80s throwback band.

Im merely saying false because man cannot fully grasp God, no religion could, no word made invented and patented could describe God, its purely existence in a state of being.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:34 PM

Were these people 'in on it'?

possibly, or they were nudged into ideas. I believe southpark to be a pre-post 9-11 social influence psy-op and potentially other popular toons etc.

I had a hard time understanding what the rest of your post was meant to mean, I guess there's nothing wrong with a general call for rationality and peace, but I find it odd you juxtapose a call for rationality with talk of nonexistent gods.

I basicly want to express my anger at how slowly america is advancing, while letting yourselves regres into children screaming at a new fangled digital projection of men running after a dead pig and touching each others butts randomly..thats not togetherness thats just idiocy. and the elites have you right where they planned to put you, a mental and spiritual cage of small deceptions to change your minds. Now you all are maliable and controllable. At least in the old days men and crazy women would shoot at some foreigner coming to take whats ours, now we give it to them and offer them perks.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
right your right, i was quoting the bible because i believe it is the closest to true prophecy and closest to the real God, but I think it still has misinterpretations by man, either deliberate out of stubborn pride or or just ignorance of understanding.

How do you equate this with rational thinking. How do you have knowledge of the real meaning of the bible when these people did not?

possibly, or they were nudged into ideas. I believe southpark to be a pre-post 9-11 social influence psy-op and potentially other popular toons etc.

So in your opinion the conspiracy is vast and encompasses many popular producers? Do you not think this would result in endless opportunities for someone to 'blow the whistle'?

I basicly want to express my anger at how slowly america is advancing, while letting yourselves regres into children screaming at a new fangled digital projection of men running after a dead pig and touching each others butts randomly..thats not togetherness thats just idiocy. and the elites have you right where they planned to put you, a mental and spiritual cage of small deceptions to change your minds. Now you all are maliable and controllable. At least in the old days men and crazy women would shoot at some foreigner coming to take whats ours, now we give it to them and offer them perks.

Well firstly I am not American, but I don't really know exactly what you're trying to say here. Are there foreigners you want to shoot?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by exponent

Originally posted by mastermind77

[How do you equate this with rational thinking. How do you have knowledge of the real meaning of the bible when these people did not?

The real meaning of the bible is living together, they do only if it benefits a monolithic lie of power over others. hence a lie. and the bible or books oft used to justify such treason against there fellow mankind.

[So in your opinion the conspiracy is vast and encompasses many popular producers? Do you not think this would result in endless ?
opportunities for someone to 'blow the whistle'?

Yes, like clinton brought all the meteorologists to the white house, what secret meetings or notes happened to mention not to talk about things or something, those kind of questions and suspicious activity from our self appointed godheads. Little things that expose a potentially larger picture are prevelent in our near and far history.

[Well firstly I am not American, but I don't really know exactly what you're trying to say here. Are there foreigners you want to shoot?

the kind that come and steal our country or its resources, discplace americans into lower paying situations, treat us like scum then leave us dry, only those foreigners.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by mastermind77]

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