(in my best Troy Mclure voice) Hi, Im QBSneak000. You might remember me from such forums as ATS and BTS....
For the longest time I have been using regular PC for all of my computing needs until recently I bought a Macbook. Now, I know this might come across
like one of those commercials but WOW, after using Mac, I will never go back.
From using it for the last month or so I found there is a lot of great Mac software out there that rivals if not beats PC software of the same
I wanted to start this thread for all that use Mac to share ideas and things for Mac or even help with Mac issues.
I'll start with a few great programs I've found that I enjoy using
-Pixelmator (like photoshop but way more user friendly)
-Vuse (cool for finding music, videos etc.)
-iWork (like microsoft office but better and faster not to mention it can read MSoffices documents and spreadsheets etc.
-OSXplanet (really cool, real time earth watcher for weather, storm tracking, earthquakes etc. (free)
-fun card maker - just like it sounds creates fun customizable postcards to email to friends
-Pulpmotion advanced - awesome slideshow creation software
-iPhoto buddy - great for helping organize all your iphoto stuff (and its free)
-Comic Life Magic - really fun comic creation software with an enormous collection of templates.
-Garage Band - fun music creation software
What I am looking for is a relatively cheap/free program for creating slideshows that is easy to use. I mentioned Pulpmotion advanced and although it
is an awesome program its $150.00 USD and thats a little too much for me. Any suggestions? I'm always looking for great programs to use so post what
you use or like cause I would love to check them out.
I've found most all of the software I mentioned here
Apple Software
if anyone has other sites to find good Mac software please post it here.