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So was it a pretzel ? - Not according to Wayne Madsen

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posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 11:09 PM
Found on Counterpunch (with thanks to David Icke who originally published the web address on page 224 of Tales from the Time Loop )

Bush, who fancies himself a "born-again" Christian, is actually a foul-mouthed and erratic alcoholic. For example, the "pretzel" incident had nothing to do with a pretzel. While watching a football game at the White House, the "leader of the free world" got so drunk he fell right on his face and blamed it on his inability to remember his mother's missive about chewing all one's food before swallowing. Such alibis and ruses are the trademarks of drunks. During the presidential campaign Bush called a New York Times reporter a "major league asshole." In 1986, a clearly drunk and disorderly Bush told The Wall Street Journal's Al Hunt, "You #ing son of a bitch . . . I saw what you wrote. We're not going to forget this." The rich frat boy was irate about an article Hunt wrote about Bush's father. Time magazine is reporting that during a March 2002 briefing for three senators by Condoleezza Rice, Bush poked his head into a White House meeting room and bellowed, "# Saddam. We're taking him out!"

I always thought the 'Pretzel story' was suspect. Looks like Dubya's fallen off the wagon in spectacular style.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 12:07 AM
Rather have a drunk - cussing sob that I know what is going to do in the whitehouse than a flip flopping idiot in denial like Kerry who you can't tell from day to day what he'll do, Seems to depend on the wind to much for me to take seriously.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 12:11 AM
I don't trust either of them.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 12:19 AM
Which would you rather have, One that is predictable or one that is un-predictable - irregardless of their individual faults? or your personal politics.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 12:25 AM
To be honest, I'd rather have one who wasn't a member of Skull & Bones. It really doesn't make a bit of difference at the end, both Bush & Kerry are going to be controlled. Maybe Kerry will stop this ludicrous 'war on terror' or maybe not. I have no idea. I do know that if Bush gets in again, there will be more of the same.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 12:31 AM
Well all I can respond with Pisky is the fact that Bush has taken action where others hav'nt, agree or not that is a good thing action was taken.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 12:42 AM
Phoenix you sound like a repugnant to me. I can not believe you repugnants. I can not understand why you want a drunk man who swears as the president

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Phoenix
Which would you rather have, One that is predictable or one that is un-predictable - irregardless of their individual faults? or your personal politics.

I want a president who does what the AMERICAN PEOPLE want, not one that does as he pleases.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 03:25 AM
I have video tape of some of old george bushs past drunkeness. That incident dealing with the pretzel wouldnt surprise me a bit. I also have quite a number of pictures with bush with world leaders engaging such activty. Good post Pisky and by the way that avatar is damm funny


posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 11:00 PM
Well all I can respond with Pisky is the fact that Bush has taken action where others hav'nt, agree or not that is a good thing action was taken.

What the hell is that? The only type of action bush is responsible for is lack of action. The previous administration resisted the PNAC plans to get into the middle east by any means.
The current administration finally has its dupe in place and now thinks staged terrror acts are going to get them what they have always wanted.
You know, I dont think they get much dumber than the president but there is an awful lot of lack of foresight among his administration.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 06:30 AM
ILP, I started to hit you for a one-liner, as that post has nothing of value. I started to warn you about trying to be offensive in this forum, as it is not the Pit. Instead, I'll just tell you that your post is valueless and very close to a flame. Rather than discuss the topic, you attack the poster. Maybe you should go play in the Pit, or discuss movies in BTS, huh?

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 08:22 AM
Since this is considered a meaningless thread by Sgt Crowne I would like to interject my own meaningless dialogue.

As they always say in Yahoo chat.

"You all have been placed in the Ytunnel Super Iggy Bin for 9999999 days"

No, Im only kidding. I dont punish or ignore folks that dont live up to my expectations,rules or guidelines. Its a higher order being thing I reckon.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 08:42 AM
I'm not sure how Bush supporters can call Kerry a flip-flopper when Bush, once in office, reversed his views on nearly every major issue he campaigned with.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Cutwolf
I'm not sure how Bush supporters can call Kerry a flip-flopper when Bush, once in office, reversed his views on nearly every major issue he campaigned with.

That seems to be normal for politicians nowadays. Tony Blair did the exact same things. I've wondered if the standard 'Political Party Application Form' should include the questions:

a) Are you willing to say what you need in order to become elected, despite your personal views ?

b) Are you a lying, backstabbing hypocrite ?

c) Will you, if elected, go back on your promises in record time in order to advance the agenda and bring in a One World Government ?

Answers other than 'Yes' will result in said application being denied.

Just a thought

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 01:46 PM
I was joking about the repugnant thing. Even though I was joking I should not have made the post. Sorry TC for making such a useless post.

Back to the topic at hand. I think bush did choke on a pretzel. If something else did happen there would have been a better cover-up story. It would be really embarissing for Bush to have everyone in America know Bush choked on a pretzel. If they were going to make a good coverup story it would have been something like, Bush ate something spicy.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 01:57 PM
I liked SNL's version of what happened: Cheney was in his boxers smacking Bush around!!

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 01:59 PM
About Bush taking action... I agree he took action to take away some basic standard freedoms, he took action to take away some of our money, he took action in helping to take away some of our jobs. If he stays in office I am pretty sure all the other actions he is willing to take about education, SSN and changing the Constitution, will have us in the same boat as some other countrys fighting against our own goverment.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 04:51 PM
As much as I loathe this current administration, I doubt Dubya's drinking again. A friend of mine who's a recovering alcoholic says Dubya reminds him of a dry-drunk. Someone whose brain was just burned by too much abuse. Could explain why his brain shorts out so much when he speaks.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
Rather have a drunk - cussing sob that I know what is going to do in the whitehouse than a flip flopping idiot in denial like Kerry who you can't tell from day to day what he'll do, Seems to depend on the wind to much for me to take seriously.

better a flip flopping idiot than bush the lying, belligerent, anti-enviromental, money wasting, hick.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by silQ

better a flip flopping idiot than bush the lying, belligerent, anti-enviromental, money wasting, hick.

Tell us how ya really feel, silQ!

[Edited on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

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