To back up NGC2736 here:
Yup - we do tend to discuss actions before they are taken. Unless they are some rather unquestionably blatant *fouls* of the Terms and Conditions, in
which case if its pretty clear cut then we slice 'em out.
The majority of the time in other instances however its a discussion process to seek viewpoints from othe Staff and this - hopefully - different
I can assure you that Staff are not clones - we certainly have differing opinions. We are also multi-cultural, coming from different cultures and
countries, both genders, many ages and differing Political, social, intellectual, conceptual, spiritual understandings. To be honest I'm surprised we
even get along as well as we do sometimes...
If a call is made to delete or move or trash a thread/reply we are still ALL accountable for our actions. Top down. The process of accountability is
via the Complaints/Suggestions link...and I guess in some ways via threads such as this (though yeah, so many of them end up locked and directed to
Complaints/Suggestions or the ATS Issues Thread).
Those Complaints/Suggestions get viewed and reviewed by Staff...again more discussion before anything is done/decided.
We've certainly had decisions reversed and apologies made after closer inspection and reflection upon issues/actions addressed via the
Complaints/Suggestions process.
I know I've received the odd "Whoa dude, bad call on that one" decisions from Staff/Admin and have had actions I've taken in locking threads etc
reversed...I've also eaten my fair share of humble-pie and apologised to Members whenever I've been deemed to have made a wrong it
certainly happens.
doesn't happen is we are not anyones Fairy Godmother...and won't wave a magic wand and *poof* into existance whatever
Complainants/Suggesters desire.
Just because
you may believe we acted wrongly doesn't mean we're by default going to see it your way. We may still review an action and think
still wrong and so the action stands.
Such is life. Anyone who ever claims or expects fairness 100% of the time must be living in a vaccum. It doesn't happen. The nature of humanity
ensures that.
All Staff are available via u2u as well...and as has been pointed out already there are Forum specific Mods listed at the bottom of the thread/forum
pages. Admins and Supers such as myself pretty much go across all forums, so we're also available via u2u.
I have to also put this out there: Some things we can't and won't share with you. Why? Because it really isn't Open-Day at the Zoo 24/7.
There are some things that get chopped/changed due to events behind the scenes, things that really aren't public business at all. Again - thats
pretty much par for the course wherever you go.
I for one aren't going to allow all and sundry to come rifle through my pockets just because they may feel they have a right to - if that means
people will perceive I'm covering up something, so be it.
I doubt anyone else would allow it either if they were perfectly honest.
So...long story short: If you want to know, then ask via the Complaints/Suggestions process, or via u2u to the appropriate Staff/s. It doesn't mean
we're going to tell you, but if we can we probably will.
*I also don't use the 'Mod Box' around replies I make. Why? Because I stand - or fall - by what I I Mod or Member.*