Will an MSR miniworks work on stagnant, brackish or otherwise 'old' water.
I'm just wondering if you stored water in a container (not hermatically sealed) for months / years on end and filtered it would it be safe to
I reckon yes, but second opinions are the name of the game here.
What say you wise heads
I'm almost positive it would filter old water...I've tried mine in a few places now and havent had any problems, the worst place was a s' filled
stagnant brown coloured pool and the filter worked like a charm, it took a bit of cleaning afterwards but apart from that there was no problem
You'll definetley have to post the results of that experiment! I suppose you could add a few drops of bleach to the contained water before filtering
Done a bit of digging, check this site out it has lots of pos/neg reviews on the MSR Miniworks (mostly positive!)
I'm seriously considering getting one, its like a primary filter to get rid of anything over 75 microns, this should take some of the stress off the
main carbon filter
what about an R/O (reverse osmosis) water filter? similar to one that is used for aquariums? they cost about 75 bucks (and up) but can do 30 gallons a
day and could run for up to a month on one filter (thats 900 gallons or so). they do require electricity but dont take up much wattage.