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September 11th, 2008 A day to reflect......

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posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:53 PM
September 11th 2001: I woke up late, maybe 7:40 am Pacific time. Rest of my family was asleep, wife, daughter 4, son 1. No coffee in the house! Went to 7-11 got two cups and noticed the radio was on a news station instead of music. As I mix in the creamers I'm pretty sure it was Peter Jennings that explains that both towers know as the WTC have collapsed.

Now my mind certainly registered what was said, but it didn't sink in until I turned to the cashier, just the two us in the store at that moment, I looked at her and she simply nodded.

On the way back to the house I struggled with what to say to my wife. She was just getting up when I got home, so I just said "turn on the TV". She asked why and I said "the end of the world has begun".

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:27 PM
I live in Canada near the Vermont border and will never forget it.

I also remember as if it was yesterday, I was at work and by noon was extremely nervous, got home at the end of the day, turned the tv on and cried watching the videos and reports. My life changed that day, the world changed that day.

I remember the skies being so quiet. I seem to live under some kind of air traffic way and we can constantly hear and see planes so the silence of the skies was obvious. I remember when I heard the first plane fly by after 9/11 and actually went outside to watch was really eery.

I think it is imortant that we take time to remember the victims and their families as well as taking time to remember the loss of our living without fear and many of our freedoms.


posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:32 PM
I agree, my thought go out to the victims families of 9/ amazing how for that one day, it seemed like America was united, as one, in my opinion...... I remember what i was doing that day when i found out and it is a feeling of dread that i will never forget.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 06:35 PM

I found this and I thought it was worth sharing.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 07:21 PM
I was at work in the factory that day when all sorts of wild rumors started flying around...planes flying into bombs...lots of soon as it was break time, I went to call my wife. I asked her what was going on and she told me the World Trade Center had collapsed. As she related the facts that were being given on the news, my first thought was Osama Bin Laden. Then the news came about the Pentagon, and I started wondering if some people I knew that worked there were still alive (took three days to find out for sure they were okay)

We were back at work when more rumors came around about an airliner crashing in a field in now we had turned a radio hell with factory rules on a day like that....and we heard the confirmation that Flight 93 had crashed. I looked at my coworker and said, "That had to have been the pilots making sure their plane wasnt going to be a missile" Was not long after that, that I heard the distinctive engines of the F-16s from my guard base taking off...they ended up flying CAP over Omaha, Des Moines and Air Force One before the day was over.

On the way home, we heard that the President was headed back to Washington DC. At the time, I thought that was a big mistake for him to be heading back to a target like the White House.

My wife was supposed to have attended a concert by Hillsong at our church that night. We did go to church, but Hillsong was stuck in Atlanta by the grounding order. So we prayed and they set it up so we could watch the President speak that night. It wasnt thirty seconds into his speech that I realized, I had been wrong. The White House was the ONLY place that he could address the nation from.

I know many on here believe in some huge U.S. led conspiracy that day, well you are flat out wrong and I will spend the rest of my life pointing out the flaws and outright lies that the so-called "truther" use in their arguments.

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