posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:39 AM
These laws exist because there is strength in numbers.
Get 10 cannibals, put them in a room and you will end up with only one.
Get 10 people who arent cannibals, might want to murder but dont want to form group, you have 10 loners.
Get 10 people who arent cannibals, might want to murder but want to form group, you have a group 10 people strong. I need sleep
Release all
Last cannibal is killed by the victim or a friend in the group
Say you have 20 left, half want to kill
The 5 in the group wont kill their friends in that group
Say the 5 homicidal loners kill the other 5 loners, 5 left
So now theres 5 homicidal loners, some cant wait so they kill each other, we have 3 left
the group of 10 destroy the remaining 3. I need sleep
Thats basically what we got today, groups with people that like to kill others outside the group. But once in a while the cannibal trait pops out of
the elimination. Something like that. I need sleep.
I contain an oxygen container in my gut that is released if I die, mixed with the butt gas and we go boom. I need sleep.