posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:07 PM
So from reading the title, I'm sure you're thinking "What? How could someone possibly think that?". Let me explain.
A strong President never changes his stance. He fights for what he believes in, even if what he believes in is totally delusional. I believe we all
have the name of a certain President in our heads at this moment.
A weak President relies not on his own decissions, but on the polls. His purpose is to please the people. He may vote for one thing one month and
something completely opposite the next.
So, assuming the Presidential office isn't just a scam controlled by some higher force (which I have half a mind to believe), let's think about
this. An example of a strong President would be Bush or McCain. They will fight the war in Iraq no matter WHAT the American people have to say about
it. In their own minds, they do what they think is right and no one is going to stop them.
Now, I may get some boo's for this, but I believe an example of a weak President would be Barack Obama. I believe that Barack Obama DOES care about
what people think, as he cares about his approval rating. Whether he has good intentions or not does not matter to me, as he would actually listen to
what the American people have to say.
Let's look at the last 8 years with Bush. The reason people hate him so much is because he acts as though Americans do not exist. He's strong in his
belief. Too strong. The Iraq War and 'no child left behind' are two examples of the opposing opinion of Bush and the American people.
Now, whether Democrat or Republican, I think we can all agree that what matters is that the people are heard. We are no where near a Democracy, but if
the President would actually listen to what the people have to say, we would be a Hell of a lot closer.
This is why I believe Barack Obama would make a better President. I'm not attacking his character, I simply believe that he would sway with the polls
on every issue of what the American people thought.
[edit on 6-9-2008 by TruthParadox]