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Real Deal

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posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 08:39 AM
Being A Vietnam Vet(TET)1969 when I came home the welcome ws lukewarm at best,that's OK I didn't expect yellow ribbons.
The real Hero is John McCain he deserves our love and help in getting the country going again.
The future is kind of up in the air but whatever time we have left we should try and help the next generation at least a chance.
The best to all ATS folk

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 09:07 AM
Thanks for your service, Stony. Have you ever heard of 'Red' McDaniels? He was a Vietnam Intruder pilot and POW. As a matter of fact, he was the longest held POW. You might want to look into his feelings about McCain before you start waving the RNC flag. There's more to all this than McCain wants people to know.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 09:13 AM
I too am of that era, and my thoughts are with you, my brother. Seven of my good buddies are still over there, even though what was left of them was sent back here.

War is just wrong, people, don't you see that? Has anyone considered what will happen if all these former National Guards in Iraq come home all at one time? They will want a job, and loans, and medical care. I look really hard at this, and the world in general, and I can see something big coming, a reckoning. This administration needs to pay for what it has done, and we need somebody to put America back on track, for we are far off that track as I write this. Whoever came up with the idea that the entire world needed to be "democratized?" Who got the brilliant idea that America was the world's policeman? Why does Joe Six-pack and Sally housewife take this stuff still? They have to know what's going on, don't they? There are a lot of distractions, and cell phones are tops on the list. Without these little mind control devices, people would lose their minds....I have seen a few using two of them at once. Sometimes I wish a righteous hacker would hack that system, and send everyone a message they need to hear...We are in trouble, America, and we better do something fast, or our slavery will be a reality.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by stonyhenge
Being A Vietnam Vet(TET)1969 when I came home the welcome ws lukewarm at best,that's OK I didn't expect yellow ribbons.

I respect you for your willingness to do what was ordered of you, regardless of the fact that the orders were about drug smuggling and not the official statements...

Thanks for serving!

The real Hero is John McCain he deserves our love and help in getting the country going again.

Hmmm... Really? Seems he has a drug problem and could use some anger management assistance. I really don't think he's the one *I* want to see at the bomb button. I much prefer Ron Paul.

The future is kind of up in the air but whatever time we have left we should try and help the next generation at least a chance.

Oh, I'm with you there! What better way to give the best to our children than by restoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights to their former rightful place after this admin took the already tattered documents and ripped them to shreds, pooped on them and then pointed and laughed?

McCain seems intent on pooping and laughing some more...charging off to fight an endless war against whoever they want to point to and call enemy on any day of the week, using this manufactured "terrorist" creppola to further rob us of our rights.

Ron Paul, on the other hand, holds our founding documents in EXTREMELY high regard and is not fooled by the NeocoNazi Modern Reichstag event.

McCain? Might as well shackle m'self and throw freedom out the window.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by stonyhenge
Being A Vietnam Vet(TET)1969 when I came home the welcome ws lukewarm at best,that's OK I didn't expect yellow ribbons.
The real Hero is John McCain he deserves our love and help in getting the country going again.
The future is kind of up in the air but whatever time we have left we should try and help the next generation at least a chance.
The best to all ATS folk

I wanted to say thank you and let you know that you are appreciated. I went to Vietnam with my father (served may 68 - 69 Americal Division 1/6th 198th LIB E Co.) traveling May 1997. Got hours of Video up and down the coast if your interested... That trip changed my life...we went from Ho Chi Min City (Saigon) to Hue and all places in between...saw the Citadel. It was over a 2 wk period and it literally changed how I see the world and my Dad for that matter.

We visited a bunch of LZ's, Rocket Ridge, Dragon Valley, Hi Fong Pass....amazing...The people were so friendly. My dad even found a girl he "knew" when he was there and had a reunion...the cutest thing ever.

Anyways, Thank you again, You are not forgotten.


posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:52 PM
id be suprised if he lives long enought to even serve his term
mcain is like what? 100 years old?

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
id be suprised if he lives long enought to even serve his term
mcain is like what? 100 years old?

Yeah. He's 100 years old. He's served his country almost 50 years. And he would probably still kick your ass.

To the OP and other vets... thank you for your service. It is very much appreciated!

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