posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 07:58 PM
The poll results are actually from BEFORE Sarah Palin gave her speech last night and was conducted from Sept. 1st through Sept. 3.
Most likely, this is a backlash from the Palin bashing. Polls have repeatedly shown that people are very skeptical of the media in this cycle and
believe they favor Obama. Rasmussen has a poll out today showing that by a 51-5 margin (yes, you read that right, by a 10-1 margin), the public
believes the media is trying to hurt Sarah Palin rather than help.
Survey USA is showing a huge jump in the percentages for independents who believe that she will be an asset for the campaign, however. By a 56-27
margin, they say yes. Prior to the speech, it was 44-44. There was also a net 29 point positive movement for Palin among moderates in the same 24
hour period.
Survey USA Poll
[edit on 4-9-2008 by vor78]