posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 04:21 PM
I think thi has been discussed, but in a quick search, I coudnt find it. So..... Mods, fire away if this isnt anything new.
Now, Im not the best at posting pics, so I might just post links to pics.
But after looking at some pics from US weekly, it got me curious. The family pic taken in 2007 shows baby pudge on Bristol, which would match up with
Trig's age. Then the pic of Palin herself. Supposedly pregnant in 08' and 6 months preg. When honestly she looks thinner than she does now. that
matched with a pic of herself preg at 5 months with an earlier pregnancy, the diff is huge.
After looking, I cant find images from the magazine that I saw, but anyone who has seen it, can confirm the pics I am talking about.
thoughts, I dont know for sure either way, but I thought Id bring it up.