posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:54 PM
In regards to the L.H.C, while i don't immediately jump on the "end of the world" bandwagon here, I will say that from all research, and by
statements made in quantum physics circles, there is a possibility that a strangelet "can" be created during the collision. The odds are around 1 in
a billion, and as others have stated, this is something that happens constantly in the observable universe. However, what we don't know about the
observable universe could fill every library from here to Rome.
The thing with playing the odds is this, there is no hard and fast rule that says that a strangelet could be created on the first run or the
billionth, so you roll the dice, you take what you get.
On a personal level, I'm on the fence with this one. From a student of quantum theories perspective, I'm excited. This will open up avenues for us
as a species that have been heretofore unimagined. I'm looking forward to reading the reports and analysis after the first runs and running the
On the other hand, there is a part of me who also knows that there are dangers inherent in this ( as with all things really) and while the danger in
mathematical terms may be infinitesimal, the real danger in actuality is beyond anything that we as a species could ever hope to contain. The
proverbial Pandora's Box.
Sometimes, I do think that we are playing with fire and maybe taking the high jump into the shallow water, but, maybe it's just our time.
Being completely honest though I cannot say that I truely believe that we are going to convert the earth to strange matter, however as a student of
science I do not completely dismiss it as it is certainly a possibility,as well as anyone else who claims that it will unequivocally never happen,
needs to take a look at the information and note that just because the probabilities are on the extreme low end, does not in no way negate the danger
of said probability or the possibility that it could happen sooner or later.
In closing, I have just recently learned about this website, and I have enjoyed it much over the last couple days and would like to say hi to all as
this is my first post.