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Fate or Coincidence?

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posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 03:47 AM
I am writing this post as I have had strange coincidences throughout my life and I often wonder if it is due to fate or just a coincidence....

I seem to go through life meeting people or going to places where at that moment in time they have a very small role in my life and then maybe a few years later the place or person plays a major role in my life..
I will give you a few examples of what I mean....
When I was little my brother had a friend whom he only met and hanged out with when we were over our My brother and I were split up when I were in my early teens and he were 10yrs old due to the death of our mother....I never really had much to do with my brother or his friends after that,and then 15 years later I end up meeting the "friend" and we have now been happily married for 15 years (my soul mate) on meeting the "friend" he had long lost touch with my brother,and didn't even remember my brother having a sister (me) and it was actually through his sister & our love of horses that I met weird is that!

I have been to many places visiting,and ended up living in the same area or street at a later date,not due to wanting to particulary but just due to it just happening...
I have met people briefly in life and then at a later date they have played a major role in my life,be it that I befriend them later, or end up at the same workplace, or area to live etc.....the latest one is someone I met last year briefly,I am now working for them!
To me it just seems to be fate that draws the people I have met or the places I have visited together.....what do you think? and have any of you had any similar experiances??

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 04:26 AM
Thats a very interesting story. I think it is awesome to have things sort of fall into place like that.

Believer Answer : I think it's possible that any number of things could facilitate those sort of coincidence's in life. Maybe some part of you is telling you to make note of special things/places/people knowing you would be back there again? Maybe it's your second time living this life and you take note because you already remember where it will end up?

Skeptical Answer : Maybe it's a case of Deja Vu?

Personally i think that Deja Vu could be connected to having a sense of precognition. Either way it's always weird to somehow know things before you should.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:58 AM
Yes it is weird,how my life seems to plan out...I have no explaination for it really,it just seems as if I get a little bit of that person or place and then months or years later they or it play a very significant role in my life...
I was interested to know if other members here had experianced the same sort of thing,as I cannot believe I am the only one..

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:58 AM
Yes it is weird,how my life seems to plan out...I have no explaination for it really,it just seems as if I get a little bit of that person or place and then months or years later they or it play a very significant role in my life...
I was interested to know if other members here had experianced the same sort of thing,as I cannot believe I am the only one..

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:25 AM
I think thats a classic tale of Fate interviening,I dont think theres much difference between Fate and coincidences,I just think when things like that happen its suppose to happen and its just telling you your on the right path and your on cue with your Destiny.

I have alot of coincidences in my life and right now Ive been having at least 1 coincidence everyday,,but last night I had about 10 just in the evening and through the night,me and my friend got like a buzz in my head because everything just flowed and things we were talking about then was mentioned on the television.We were talking about Vincent Van Gogh and Picasso and Michealangelo and Ive said to her about the signs/coincidences Ive had in the past couple of weeks to do with my dreams coming true,,either in my tarot reading,songs,horoscopes then I noticed an old 80's film on my cable called Zanadu,,in the film Picasso and Van Gogh was mentioned and the film was about Goddess's coming down to make the guys dream come true.

I read a word sometimes and at the same time Im hearing it either from someone in the same room or from the television,,and this happens daily.

Get Well Soon hun x

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 11:32 AM
I had this happen today to me.

I went to a friends house, we decided to watch a movie, I asked her if she had "the day after tommorow", then she said she was at the video store and she was going to get it, but changed her mind.(now I had been craving to watch that movie for weeks, for some unknown reason)

Then we decided to watch conspiracy theory instead and then when I went to my mum's, I turned paid tv on and conspiracy theory was on.

sort of made my head buzz too.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:54 PM
I think its so cool when something like that happens and you just want more and more of coincidences like that to happen.

Its a shame so many need to take drugs to get that kind of buzz whereas with us its a nature buzz drug.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Alienmindflare

I have thought that myself many times that its my destiny path
I feel that you are given paths to follow,and maybe a little bit of help is sometimes given to choose that path...I have often found that if I follow my instinct I tend to choose the right one,but if I don't listen to that "little voice" inside and choose a different path,it always goes wrong

At the end of the day animals get by totally on their instincts alone so why can't we ourselves have the same ability?
Thanx I am feeling much better now
had one of those flu type thingys....

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 03:43 PM
Yeh I know,I just think we totally lost our way through the years,,theres more hate and all that negativity around now,more want want want and it should be dream,pray,wish,hope that good things come your way,even people that have it all they still want something better,theres very few that rely on their own intuition and their own self if they turned things around the world would be turned around slowly from hate to love....well maybe. wishful thinking I think.

Glad your feeling better

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