posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 12:54 AM
Let me first say that I am 16 years old person. I, obviously go to school. However, something has been bothering me. At lunch breaks, my mind slowly
turns to a mental jello - I loose all inhibitions, cannot concentrate, cannot think clearly, my eyes don't focus or rather, I don't make them focus,
everything is funny, I don't care about anything & I kinda stumble everywhere 'cause I just don't care. In my own little world. Maybe like a
Euphoric high? I don't know... I'm not on any drugs and I never will be.
Back to class? I'm normal again. Myself. The way I like it.
WHY? What is going on with me? Just my age?
Oh yeah, and Rubber Bullet should explain some more.
[edit on 4/9/2008 by C0bzz]
[edit on 4/9/2008 by C0bzz]