posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:01 PM
The following is about contributed human based orders of behavior in full meeting, dealing with the natural human's way or cycle of 'finding a
mate for bonding'.
Which one order (A-F) is about a more accurate of order of happening behaviors, to you in your life, concerning the order to what goes on
inbetween in your 'getting to know someone in whole' meet or sessional meeting from initiation/beginning to completion/end:
1st Body/Facial/Eye communication
2nd Conversation (a lil bit, some, a lot)
3rd Exchange of something (gift, money, phone number)
4th Making out
5th Foreplay
6th Sex
1st Body/Facial/Eye communication
2nd Conversation (a lil bit, some, a lot)
3rd Exchange of something (gift, money, phone number)
4th Foreplay
5th Making out
6th Sex
1st Body/Facial/Eye communication
2nd Conversation (a lil bit, some, a lot)
3rd Making out
4th Exchange of something (gift, money, phone number)
5th Foreplay
6th Sex
1st Body/Facial/Eye communication
2nd Conversation (a lil bit, some, a lot)
3rd Making out
4th Foreplay
5th Exchange of something (gift, money, phone number)
6th Sex
1st Body/Facial/Eye communication
2nd Conversation (a lil bit, some, alot)
3rd Making out
4th Foreplay
5th Sex
6th Exchange of something (gift, money, phone number)
1st Body/Facial/Eye communication
2nd Conversation (a lil bit, some, a lot)
3rd Foreplay
4th Making out
5th Sex
6th Exchange of something (gift, money, phone number)
Note: Body/Facial/Eye communication suggests two find each other attractive, if not just one of the two finds the other attactive. It can
happen in many expressions as you should already know. Usually the initiator (one first to find another attractive) locates, whether or not, there is
attraction in return or in feedback from the other in some way. It could be as simple as the length you lock eyes. It could be as simple as the
someone seeing if you're paying attention to their certain extraordinary body communication out the clear blue when come before your range. It could
be as simple as a noticablely helpless smile you see each time you cross someone's paths. It could be some dead facial look when you catch them
staring like they've seen a ghost or see a powerful person to somewhat trimble to in facial expression. Etc. Am I lieing about any of this?!
If you've just met someone, where are you in 6-point basic scoring? What descriptive points I listed are you lacking in score right now?
[edit on 3-9-2008 by Mabus]