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Where is my Candidate?

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I am sick of this glamour election. I am sick of all the people involved in it. This country has stooped to a new low in this election. It seems to get worse every four years. I have yet to hear either party say one thing that would persuade me to vote for them. Instead they run around the country and world like rock stars for the praise and worship of their blind followers.

You see I am a conservative, but don't think for a minute that I will vote for you just because you are against abortion, or that you support the 2nd ammendment. I also somewhat liberal, but don't think you can fool me with your charts and figures of health care and poverty levels.
You can tell me you want to keep my family out of poverty till you are blue in the face, but that won't do it either. Talk is cheap.

You see when it comes down to it we are all being lied to by our candidate of choice. Be it he, or she, Republican, or Democrat they are nothing but career politicians with an agenda. They do what the "money" tells them to do with no regard to your or my welfare in mind. They may even believe they are doing it for the countries on good, but in the end it is all self-serving deeds.

Government used to be run by the people. The people being farmers and laborers, lawyers, doctors, and so on. They didn't make their living sucking the blood from the country. They held real jobs and lived in communities where they had to interact with real people whose lives depended upon their votes. Politicians now are so out of touch with society that they have to rely on slanted polls to even make a decision on policy.

We as a country are going to have to put a stop to this vicious circle of voting in fat politicians who got that way with off of our hard work and belief in a Country of freedom and morales. We are hated and ridiculed by the world. Some of it may be jealousy but most of it is because of our arrogance and lack of concern for anyone but ourselves.

That being said, I love my country and proud to live here, but I am ashamed of what is happening to it. I do not profess to know how to fix it, I just needed to say it and get it off my chest. The thing is there has to be someway to stop this downward spiral. A true leader with the true values and concern for the people.

So, where is my candidate? Why is it that someone cannot run for office that the majority of us can believe in as a true leader? Someone who is still connected to us and not living in a mansion looking down at us. Maybe he is out there but I can't find him. Can you?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Ron Paul is your candidate. Unfortunately, this system is so warped people can't even see that. You are absolutely right about the candidates merely using talking points. We are in a vicious cycle of wedge issue politics and the reason is that the VAST majority of Americans are too goddamned stupid to understand what really matters TO THEM!.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:06 PM
He already dropped out of the running due to threats from Bilderburgers. His name started with an R.....

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:06 PM
I humbly propose that you're instincts in the matter are quite correct. But once the premise is accepted, the corollaries that follow are disturbing.

It would appear that "you" are to have no candidate. "We" are not capable, at any point in the chain in influencing the matter. Debates rage on as to whether this situation is engineered or accidental. Irregardless, we are left with no voice in the matter, and such remedies as those proposed by the framers of the experiment we call a Constitutional Representative Democracy are being, for all intents and purpose, rescinded and/or outright violated and stripped of meaningful potential.

Greater and lesser minds coarsely grind out the particulars of the story preceding the current state of affairs, but none can embrace the larger result. What is clear is the evidence that the consolidation of media control by whatever interest, coincided with the downturn in the American citizen's voice.

I suspect that future history will view this time as either the beginning of the end, or simply the beginning, of the "New American Century". Frankly, I hope for the former.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Maxmars]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
Ron Paul is your candidate. Unfortunately, this system is so warped people can't even see that. You are absolutely right about the candidates merely using talking points. We are in a vicious cycle of wedge issue politics and the reason is that the VAST majority of Americans are too goddamned stupid to understand what really matters TO THEM!.

Do you even know what Paul stood for?

How can you say someone would support Paul when all they said was they hate corruption? Sure, Paul would do away with corruption, but he would also get rid of essentially everything else.

Paul may or may not be your candidate OP, research the candidates and make an informed choice. MSM may push two of them down your throat, but that sure as hell doesn't mean it's the only way.. there ARE other political parties, so instead of complaining about it MAKE AN INFORMED VOTE. And don't listen to what other people tell you to vote, because as it's obvious many people don't know what they are even talking about.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:59 PM
By all means, do vote!


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:06 PM
Sure I know what Ron Paul stood for. Strict constitutional adherence. I may be new to this site in terms of my membership, but I am not an idiot.

If someone is talking about the candidates and they are asking "who is mine?" implying that they don't know who out there supports the idea of moving away from our current state of he said she said politics, there is a 100% chance that Ron Paul is the man for them.

I remember the Christmas advertisements. Rudy Guiliani sitting beside a fire, or was that Mike Huckabee... Regardless, when they asked Ron Paul's opinions about Christmas time and religion he basically told them to shut the hell up and that his religious tendancies had no bearing on what was at hand, albeit Ron Paul is a devout Christian himself. Ron Paul is the ONLY serious candidate since I'VE BEEN ALIVE that actually adheres to the Constitutional ideas of this republic! NOBODY IN THIS COUNTRY can say that Ron Paul isn't their candidate if they have actually evaluated the issues at hand.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:09 PM
Right, Jay, but someone say more "left of center" would not like Paul's policies at all .. in fact it is the very opposite of what they want. So no, just because someone says they don't like either candidate does NOT mean they must like Paul ..

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:12 PM
There isn't even a contest any longer. There isn't any reason that Ron Paul shouldn't be swept into office in a landslide margin this time around OTHER THAN the fact that he bucks the corporate system. This is in and of itself telling of the sad state of America as a whole right now. It is no wonder we are becoming the ridicule of the entire world. We are COMPLETELY infiltrated with corruption.. EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK, we have corruption. We are weakening within. We are falling apart. You and I and everyone else knows it. It is only a matter of time if we do not change course. And I mean a 180 degree phase.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Maybe you didn't read the OP well enough... Who is HIS candidate?

Clarification: Out of the candidates available, who is the one for me?

There is no question. Even for someone left of center. If you do not like the government's corruption (stated in the OP) you have NO CHOICE... Ron Paul is the only one - period.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:15 PM
After Ron Paul is elected and we reestablish constitutional law, we can then begin to choose between him and likeminded candidates who share integrity while differing on views. Until then, he is the only choice. For anyone.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
There isn't even a contest any longer. There isn't any reason that Ron Paul shouldn't be swept into office in a landslide margin this time around OTHER THAN the fact that he bucks the corporate system. This is in and of itself telling of the sad state of America as a whole right now. It is no wonder we are becoming the ridicule of the entire world. We are COMPLETELY infiltrated with corruption.. EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK, we have corruption. We are weakening within. We are falling apart. You and I and everyone else knows it. It is only a matter of time if we do not change course. And I mean a 180 degree phase.

Not everyone is a Conservative. Most Conservatives are only Social Conservatives.

A Libertarian is a Conservative Government, and leaving social issues to states.

Most people actually want the Feds to tell them what to do. If 49% of the country is Democrat and 80% "in the middle" it leaves a very small percentage to the hardcore Conservative parties like the Constitutionalist and Libertarians.

Tell the country to elect the guy who will abolish the IRS, Social Security, Federal Welfare, so on and so on .. hmm .. not many like that idea.

some Paul supporters are sensationalist that imo don't even listen to what he says.

But it is foolish to assume everyone prefers the hardcore Conservative dogma.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:30 PM
Look to third parties, most likely the Libertarian Party and Reform Party. If you are a political moderate, like your post hints, you will likely find their stances a relief, and their candidates are far better, too.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:35 PM
I am a bit concerned with voting for a third party candidate because of the lack of support. It is one of those situations where if you do vote for them it is a wasted vote that could have gone to the lesser of the two evils. It seems that it has come down to voting for the guy you feel is not quite as bad as the other guy, which is just plain wrong. It is all a popularity contest now.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:44 PM
As things stand now, there is no such thing as a wasted vote.

Elections, while promoted by the media as such, are not 'competitions.'

This is no contest, the candidates do not a single thing to 'win' they are who they are and you either accept that or not.

But for the time being, you can STILL vote your conscience, there are no 'rules' that say if your preferred candidate doesn't win you are a 'loser'. That's the mentality you are led to believe accompanies the elections.

Stop thinking in terms of winning and losing. Think in terms of who is going to be the chief representative of the American people in government? At the moment we have Mr. Bush.

Next go-round who will it be? Will you 'settle' for voting for a candidate based on their chances of 'winning', as if it were a game?

Express your desire to be represented as you see fit. Don't let the parties brainwash you into thinking 'you have no choice other than what we give you.' That applies only to those who experience America as a 'party' line.

The shame of the broken party system is their own, don't buy into it.

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